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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Local residents have been telling us for some time about how dangerous it is to cross Alroy Road at its junction with Endymion Road.

Cllr David Schmitz and I together with one of local activists, Asha Kaur have launched a campaign to get the council to address this and explore the possibility of putting a pedestrian crossing here. I have asked them to look at the number of accidents at this location and to explore possible funding streams.

The junction is very busy with traffic coming from three directions at once, often at considerable speed. There are seldom any gaps to allow people to cross.

Large numbers of people from the Harringay Ladder going to Finsbury Park and residents coming from Stroud Green going to Green Lanes cross here.

We want the council to do something about this very dangerous junction before there is fatality here.

Please support this campaign by signing our petition using the link below:


Karen Alexander
Liberal Democrat Member for Harringay Ward

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Good idea, have signed. However, the entire length of Endymion Road requires far better crossing access to the park and good traffic calming measures.

Totally support the petition and the need for action to lobby for a safe crossing on Alroy.  Karen is correct to point out that traffic speed and volume on this narrow section are, at times, very high.  Equally, pedestrian users face an unsafe crossing anywhere from the Station Approach crossing on Wightman to the Finsbury Park Gate at Upper Tollington/Endymion.


Additionally, the loss of quality of life and potential damage to health for residents of Alroy should not be overlooked.  Pages 18 and 19 of the attached document indicate that the Council are aware of the health threat from NO2 and PM10s but that air quality monitoring in this part of the Borough is entirely absent.  The residents of Alroy being stuck between the diesel from the railway and the steady yet unchecked flow of overweight vehicles avoiding Green Lanes.  Section contains fine words but would gain credibility in combination with a width restriction on the railway bridge.


I Karen. Is there any more news on this. I noticed only 18 people had signed the petotion.



Yes, 18 signatures is disappointing.  Cllr Schmitz, Asha Kaur, myself and other colleagues have been out knocking on doors and have got a good response to it - I will repost this thread - it would be good to get more signatures on-line.  We do need to get the numbers up before presenting it to the council although I have been having some discussions with the highways department there regarding this.

I've just tried in vain to sign this a second time but the electronic scrutineers are too damn smart.

I'm afraid this Alroy petition has hit up against the well known W1Bus Syndrome: Ratio of Doorstep to Online Votes = 5:1

HOLlers  (a) don't use buses,  (b) skip Alroy Road,  (c) don't know where Alroy is, (d) think Alroy is a LibDem candidate.

I'm a little confused by all this, surely if you wanted to get into fins bury park from wightman road you would either walk around to the gate by the railway bridge and use the pedestrian crossing (if you were approaching the park from the west side of wightman) and therefore have no need to attempt a dangerous road cross, or walk around to the zebra crossing by the canal and into the park (if you are walking down wightman/alroy on it's east side) again not needing to cross any roads without the help of an 'official' crossing.
Appreciate that those wanting to go from the east side of wight,an/alroy over to the park gate by the railway bridge have a road crossing issue.... But those walking down wightman on the westiside could easily cross by h'gay station at that pedestrian crossing before getting themselves to a spot where they need to cross a busy road in a dangerous place if they wanted to enter the park by the canal.

Or am I missing something? Point is, it feels to me as if there are crossings to help people deal with all this already? Are there many accidents associated/related to this problem?

@paul what if you are just trying to get across Alroy road to your house at the top of Endymion. Should you cross over at the zebra by the New River. Walk up to the traffic lights at the bridge cross and double back? Or do the opposite  if you live at the top of Endymion an want to get to Homebase. Its not just about the park mate.

True, but you can't please all of the people all of the time, can you? My point was that there are two crossings in that area already that people could use. If a few people are inconvenienced by their current locations, does that mean another crossing should be added? traffic is ridiculous around there anyway, you add a third crossing and it'll get more ridiculous. You can't always expect a crossing right in the place you want it, life doesn't really work like that, does it - mate

Apologies for calling you mate Paul. it was deeply offensive and well worth highlighting. I do not know you from Adam and should not be so familiar with strangers, especially over the internet. Paul I am not going to argue with you about the whole traffic light thing. You are right 'life doesn't really work like that' and 'you can't please all the people all the time', so why bother. Your words of wisdom have taught me a valuable lesson. Thanks once again, and  apologies for adding mate to my sign off, I really am truly sorry. And thanks again for the whole 'you cant please all the people all the time', 'life doesn't really work like that'. I might as will give up now, go and live under the table or something. I definitely will not be going to the park.


A little word of advice Paul, if you are posting a comment that is not alluding to various routes into Finsbury park, try not to only mention routes getting into Finsbury Park. This is because when you attempt to patronise someone over their response that had picked holes in your original argument it doesn't make you look smart - life doesn't really work like that. 

It looks like there have been some  accidents in and around the Alroy Endymion junction

Looks like your cage has been well and truly rattled hasn't it?

Thanks for the apology, is appreciated - is big of you, am sure you didn't mean to be patronising, easily done so you are forgiven.

And don't give up conversing on these issues, where would conversation and debate go if we all threw in the towel when somebody offered a different view point? No need to live under tables, the real world is probably a happier place for you. I thought this was a forum for the healthy sharing of views and discussion about local issues that concern everyone living in the area? It's good to pick holes in others arguments, long may it continue- hopefully you can see that's what we're both doing. Hopefully a good healthy discussion exploring a wide range of perspectives will allow a range of people to form a cohesive argument and response to this issue. If nobody threw an 'alternative view' view into the mix, conversations like this would be very short lived.

I think my main point - leaving the gentle jousting with you aside - would be that an extra crossing in that vicinity would greaty increase traffic problems which would knock on to the whole area. What might be needed is an holistic rethink of the crossings of alroy and Endymion in that particular area as a whole, and redesigning the whole area. What suggestions do people have for striking the right balance here?

Hi Karen,

Is there any update on this? We live on Lothair Road South and often need to cross here when walking to Crouch Hill - it can be particularly difficult with a push chair (especially when cars decide to overtake on Alroy Road as they come off the roundabout as has happened several times).





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