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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Hi Everyone

The Alroy Road and Endymion Rd raised junction and crossing points are due to be constructed from 16th February. For many years this has been a very dangerous junction for pedestrians and it's a huge relief that finally we will see something done about it. Myself and fellow councillors for the ward met with officers on site some months ago to seek to address the problem. We agreed at the time the course of action and Cllr Mcnamara committed to allocate a budget. Now that we have a firm date I will keep you updated.

Emine Ibrahim

Harringay Ward Councillor

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It hasn't worked ( Alroy Road junction improvements ) because it hasn't been done.

I'm sorry you think I'm trying to bully you. That is not the case.

I will however continue to challenge inaccuracies in your posts and press you for answers to questions here and emails you choose to ignore.

And I will continue to challenge your inaccuracies John. I responded to your email by posting on this site the answer to your question and you subsequently responded to it. The fact that I didn't directly respond to your email may have had some thing to do with the torrent of insensitive postings about mine and Pavlos offence at another users comments regarding our ethnicity. This forced a regular and user of this site off. There is a certain group of site users who feel it is their obligation to beret and lambast every posting even the most anadine and least controversial. It really isn't fair on other users who want to engage with Cllrs on local issues beyond surgeries or emails. I recognise that an email doesn't allow others to engage in wider debate but others have been left with no alternative. HOL is a great tool and the administrators work hard to encourage us to come on here. We cannot expect them to promise we won't get trolled or offended or criticised that part and parcel of standing for elected office. However please consider the impact of this type of behaviour on residents who don't want their questions and concerns hi jacked by those who have a 2014 election result axe to grind. It's become very tedious now almost 18 months on. If I was an onlooker I certainly wouldn't want to post questions to Cllrs for fear that any response would lead to a torrent of "yeah but no but your lying but it's a conspiracy but you spelt that wrong but .......
Exactly try living on this road emina, try petitioning for something for 13 years to see yours and other residents money being washed down the drain and then I think you might have reason to complain about the way you have been treated.


This has gone far enough. It's obvious that we shall never see eye-to-eye and there is no point trying to resolve our differences.

I am sorry that you see my contributions as bullying: that was not my intention.

In future, I shall try to avoid commenting on your posts.

This is the why we can't do anything doc, page 6 even looks like Endymion Rd junction with Alroy Rd.

I visited Endymion Rd to see the road and footpath improvements. Creating a pedestrian connection to a park on a busy road, epic fail. And it's still a 30 MPH zone.

Thanks for this Matthew.  It's crazy that we are having to investigate reasons why the Council has taken this approach and they cant tell us themselves.  My immediate response would be that this is a very old policy document - over 15 years old now.  We have had Manual for Street 1 & 2 since then which talks about shared surfaces and raised tables.  I can't find anything in this document saying that you can't have a raised table or informal crossing points at such a junction but please correct me if I'm wrong.  Manual for Streets talks the psychology of  creating a shared space, having informal crossing points which are delinated in some way but a raised table is essential to that I believe.  The officer's resaponse to the raised table idea, was:

"Whilst the raised section has been installed at the junction we acknowledge that it is not as obvious as other locations in the borough, due to the method installation; the effectiveness of this is being monitored. As stated in or previous correspondence following the completion of the works there will be a stage 3 Road Safety Audit, any issues raised by this will be given full consideration by the councils engineers."

A raised table by definition is at the same level as the footpath, "effectiveness of this being monitored" in my view is a palm off by officers. 

 Cllr Adamou provided this response from one of the Transport Engineers at Haringey sent on 28 August:

"First of all allow me to apologise if our previous responses lacked clarity. I can confirm that the level change between these two surfaces exists as it was set out by our engineers prior to implementation, however the new kerbs along that section have been raised in order to retain some protection for pedestrians on this busy junction which may account for a perception that there is no level change. As stated in previous correspondence to you, due to the method of construction it seems that the ramps to this section are not as well defined as we would normally expect which is of concern to us and we are monitoring their effectiveness.

 The final stage of the works which includes highlighting the pedestrian crossing areas, is due to be undertaken early September and as previously stated we will then organise a stage 3 road safety audit for the junction. The outcome of the audit will be reviewed by our engineers and acted upon if felt necessary. "

I highlight the text about which alerted me to an over sight by officers and asked Cllr Adamou to investigate further.

Her response was:

On Friday, 18 September 2015, Cllr Adamou Gina a href="mailto:Gina.Adamou@haringey.gov.uk" target="_blank">Gina.Adamou@haringey.gov.uk> wrote:

"I do not know what to say I have  l send a number of emails on this issue  perhaps a meeting to discuss the project  will help. Please consider it


 Cllr. Gina Adamou

Harringay Ward"

I am not sure what can be gained by a resident meeting with officers to discuss this issue?  That's why I felt that I had to open it out to the community on this website.

I am hoping for a response from Cllr Kober's office by 30 November

It appears that the green lanes traffic study has been completed and there is no mention of any accessibility improvements on Alroy Road



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