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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Following my recent post about the Alexandra Park's apparent problems with getting a survey about the park completed by park users, I wrote to the park manager offering help. I offered to link to the survey on HoL and see if we couldn't get a few more responses.

The manager, Mark Evison, replied positively and sent me a link to the survey.

After reading through it, I was left uncertain about how the survey will be used. It was designed and is being run by the park grounds maintenance contractor, John O’Conner (Grounds Maintenance) Ltd.  The way it's put together made me wonder if it's a survey designed by a contractor to fulfil a contract condition. I didn't want to exhort HoL users to complete it without being clear on what the survey was about. So I wrote to Mark yesterday to check and as yet have had no reply.

In which case I'll leave it to you to decide. The survey is presented as one which aims to improve the park experience for users. If you do use the park and you feel the survey will be constructive, then I urge you to complete it.

You can access it on SurveyMonkey at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/GR6FFN9

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I just read the survey.

You're right - it's feedback on the contractor.

Well, I'll fill it in anyway but without much hope that it will achieve much. 

It's so sad that people like Mrs Baldwin and countless others have no hope that Alexandra palace could ever become more than a corporate exhibition centre. Rest assured, there are some interesting developments occurring with this building both within the core team and in the public arena.

If you would like to come to an event dedicated to the community and bringing life back into the building through high quality, low cost entertainment then come along to the Cakewalk Revival and get connected to the facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=136658126409057

Held in the Palm Court, it is a monthly tea-dance event regularly attracting over 100 people to the space to dance to 1920's/30's Jazz band and classic 78s. You don't have to dance! Also a spectacle for spectators.

Feel free to email me for further info: sally@thepeoplespalace.org.uk


no hope that Alexandra palace could ever become more than a corporate exhibition centre.


Yes, this is a point I forgot to make in my lengthy post. In respect of the building, our Charitable Trust is seen by the council almost entirely through the eyes of its trading company. Alexandra Palace Trading Ltd. is 100% council-owned and almost 100% council-controlled. This company has become an end in itself. 

There are major public, historical and charitable aspects to our building but these have been largely neglected in the past 30 years. The ice rink has refurbished, it is true, but the Victorian theatre and the world's oldest surviving television studios have been largely abandoned. Our building is important to London, nationally and internationally but it is overall, it is significantly derelict.

In AP's future, commercial activity – even more intense commercial activity – will play an important role. But this must not be at the expense of the charitable side, which is the prime duty of any Trustee.

 This is our building, not the council's. For the last 30 years, our charity has been limping along, crippled by the limited interest and vision of the local council.

Yes!  This is worth filling in, if only for these two options:


15. Do you have any issues which would benefit from a joint meeting with the Park Manager and ourselves?


 17. Do you have any additional comments?


Oh I just read that there was an article abut it in the Hornsey Journal on 1st July!  Is this survey over now?




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