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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Just been for a lovely spring walk in the cool sunshine in Ally Pally. In the summer, the early warm days brought crowds to Ally Pally. To reduce the risk of Covid they closed the car parks and roadside parking. Harsh but effective. Then they opened the ice rink car park and charged for parking. Ok the Palace was losing money hand over fist so a bit of revenue seems ok.

Today they have opened the overflow car park adjacent. There are thousands of people in the park, many in groups of up to 15 people. It feels like pre Covid  days just that you have to pay to park. I don't feel the outdoors is a very risky environment, but if you close the car parks due to crowds and then open them again if people pay it really sends out a contradictory message. I fear for infection rates in the future.

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Joys of many people living in properties without their own Gardens and in need of Fresh Air 

Not helped by other Parks restricting parking as Not All people are able or cycle to parks

Not forgetting that the Borough has some of the most occupied properties in North London

Re Enforcement, a Issue as Parks, have not had Park Keepers or Security for many years

Rather like many blaming Government for so many deaths from Virus but still attended Parties etc

If people believe it to be unsafe, then stay away. No person has priority over others using a Borough Facility 

We have been told to exercise from home. When I go to Ally Pally, I run there. Why would they open car parks and encourage people to drive there? 

But not everyone can run. Not everyone lives within running or walking distance of a large beautiful safe park which has access routes which feel safe to use.

Perhaps we might have a productive and wide public debate - or just online - about car use and why it's not going away anytime soon.

Having said that, can I also suggest that as well as posting your useful challenge here, you might consider cutting and pasting it into an email for Cllr Mike Hakata who now chairs the relevant Council committee.

I don't know very many of the new bunch of councillors and in many cases it's clearly no loss. But I've met Mike and talked to him. He is a great addition to the Council.

My comment wasn't about car use per se (though I do think people should reduce their dependence on cars). Just that the government guidance says this:

  • exercise, or for outdoor recreation in a public outdoor space - this can be on your own, with your household (or support bubble,) or with one other person (in which case you should stay 2m apart). You should minimise the amount of time spent outside your home, and you should not travel outside your local area

If you have to get into a car to travel to exercise, then you are clearly going outside your local area. 

I have also met Mike. He is one of my local councillors and he is very active in local groups. I think he's helped us out at the St Ann's Food Hub a couple of times too.

The long-established freedom to park near the park after 7pm was arbitrarily curtailed during covid


The real reason for this is seemingly different from the one you suggest ("To reduce the risk of Covid they closed the car parks and roadside parking.").

In case it is of interest, please see related post here:


My issue is that as Local Service, supported by Rate Payers has gone over the Top with Barriers
Would have been cheaper to get a Traffic Order, making restricted bays / areas , as a Tow away Offence
As Rental of Barriers must be costing multi thousands
Yes Aware of past issues, where people was / are misusing area at Night
The main Road through the Park can be enforced by Police
Aware in Finsbury Park , they get visits from Horse Mounted Police, which can act as a visible deterrent

I think they closed the free parking spaces because double parking and dangerous parking,  of late night anti-social BMW and Mercedes car drivers, parking on the pavements, and dumping litter.  Ally Pally must be saving a fortune on not having to pick up all their litter every morning. 

According to their Action group reports. its seems volunteers do most of the Park litter picking 

Aware from my days in Finsbury park. When they put in larger waste bins. Often caught public walking through park dumping carrier bags of Household rubbish

Well aware of evening missus. Money on Council Not allowing Police to run Enforcement Operations

As reported on Police TV reports there is a 59 Offence , which results in vehicles being taken from owners on Second offence.  I am sure it would not take long to remove offending vehicles 



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