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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

A new interactive website has been launched to encourage organisations across London to join the Employer Supported Policing (ESP) programme and support their staff to become special constables. All MPS officers and staff with business contacts are being asked to promote it to them over the next few weeks.

Employers are being asked to sign up and encourage their staff to apply during November, in order for firms and borough police teams to benefit from the extra uniformed, fully-warranted presence ESP brings, in what will clearly be an exciting and challenging year for the MPS.

The site includes information both for businesses and individuals about the scheme alongside video profiles and instructions on how to get involved in ESP. The scheme has continued to grow rapidly. Employer Supported Policing in the MPS is now bigger than any other police force's entire Special Constabulary.

Signing up to ESP promotes a unique personal development opportunity amongst staff that benefits both the individual and the employer, as well as us in the MPS. It is simple to join and participants receive world-class training and develop new skills, confidence and experience that is useful both in the workplace and on the streets of London. The programme is flexible and balances the needs of the day job and operational requirements.

Working for the MPS, officers and staff often come into contact with partner agencies, organisations and local business owners on daily basis. The ESP programme is a great scheme to endorse as a unique opportunity for employers across London, whatever their size, to get involved in policing and we need your help to promote it.

There has never been a better time to get involved with ESP and be there for London in 2012, the year of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and the London 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games. Organisations that sign up before 30 November could see their staff trained, on the beat and back in the workplace using their new skills in time for next summer.

We have included below a key message and a link to the website - please share it with your contacts outside the MPS. Simply copy and paste the information in bold below into any emails, briefings, newsletters or other communications you may have and help promote the scheme to as many organisations, businesses and people as possible before 30 November!

The Metropolitan Police are offering a powerful opportunity to businesses across the capital. It delivers business security, staff development, additional policing around premises, corporate social responsibility and, especially important in 2012, business continuity and resilience. Best of all, the Met fund the scheme, in return for you donating some of your staff's time through a small amount of paid leave each month.

Virtually any reputable business of almost any size can take part, but in order to get the maximum benefit across the period from the Queen's Diamond Jubilee to the Olympic and Paralympic Games, your business must get involved by the end of November 2011.

Take a look at www.met.police.uk/esp/learn_more now and don't miss this opportunity for a huge boost to your business in 2012 and well beyond.

To find out more about the Employer Supported Policing programme visit www.met.police.uk/esp or email the team at HR Mailbox - Employer Supported Policing.

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