Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

There are other ways of making your Neighbourhood safer. Why not consider becoming a volunteer at your local station or joining the Metropolitan Special Constabulary, giving your time to become an officer with full police powers?
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Your Team:
PS Ian Pyles
PC Glyn Kelly
PC Andy Ling
PCSO Tara Johnson
PCSO John Clarke
PCSO Bengu Solak
PCSO Lisa Yianni

Safer Neighbourhoods Office
9 Turnpike Parade
Green Lanes
N15 3EA

Telephone: 07920 233786
E Mail:

Safer Celebrations
The Metropolitan Police’s Safer Neighbourhoods teams will be working closely to tackle the anti-social behaviour (ASB) associated with Halloween and Fireworks Night, helping everyone to safely enjoy the festivities. The initiative will aim to:
• Reduce the ASB associated with the Halloween and firework period across London
• Increase awareness of firework safety, and reduce the number of firework related injuries
• Co-ordinate efforts to reduce anti-social use of fireworks at a local level, strengthen enforcement work, reassure local communities and increase quality of life and feelings of safety.
• Contribute towards reducing
levels of other crime types such as robbery and domestic burglary.
Every London borough has engaged
in this initiative. All Safer Neighbourhoods teams in London are
extending their regular working hours to cover peak periods and engage with
young people in their borough to deter unwanted behavior and provide crime prevention and safety advice.

Bonfire Night Advice

People often ask what the rules are about fireworks. The law states that it is not permissible to let off fireworks after 11pm at night until 7am the next day, except for on certain days. These days are 5 November, when fireworks are permitted until midnight. Chinese New Year, Diwali and New Year's
Eve when fireworks are permitted until 1am the next day. The penalties for this offence are imprisonment (maximum 6 months) and a substantial fine (£5,000).
There is also a restriction on the maximum permitted loudness of a firework (120 decibels). The supply, purchase or possession of a Category 3 firework that has a noise level exceeding 120 decibels is banned under the Firework Regulations 2004. Other legislation makes it an offence for anyone aged under 18 to have adult fireworks in a public place. The Police can issue fixed penalty notices for this offence.
We will be carrying out late night patrols over the next few days on the lead up to and including the 5th November. For information about firework safety follow this link http://www.fireservice.co.uk/safety/bonfires.php
Please contact us if you have any additional concerns.

New priorities for Harringay

200 interviews were completed. Door-to-door interviews were conducted in each street on the ward, every retail outlet in Green Lanes approached, interviews conducted during Burglary follow up visits and the public consulted during a surgery at Turnpike Lane.

Main Priorities on Harringay Ward:

· Youth Crime/Youth Disorder

· Robbery/Mugging/Shoplifting

· Begging

Youth Crime/Youth Disorder is the largest perceived problem for residents on this ward. This seems to be concentrated in the following locations: to the North of the ward, around Duckett's Common and along Green Lanes. Harringay Railway Station (on the western border of the ward) is no longer an area of concern. This priority remains unchanged as the main priority on the ward from October 2006 and April 2007

Robbery/Mugging/Shoplifting Begging are the next two crime types perceived to be occurring most often. Robbery, Mugging, and Shoplifting have increased considerably as an area of concern since April 2007. This is perceived to be concentrated down the length of Green Lanes predominantly with small concentrations at the j/w Hewitt Rd and Umfreville Rd. Begging has also increased as an area of concern

Again this is perceived as occurring down the length of Green Lanes with a small concentration in the Colina Rd area.
Drugs and Alcohol Misuse/Disorder has decreased as an area of concern and of the other two priorities in April 2006, Traffic/Speeding/Road Safety is currently the 4th concern amongst those interviewed and Rubbish Dumping/Fly-Tipping was not mentioned at all by anyone interviewed
Monthly Surgeries
This is an opportunity for any member of the public to come and voice their concerns in a discreet environment
The next surgery will be held on 14th November 2007at our base from 6pm-8pm. The address is 9 Turnpike Parade N15 3EA in junction with Carlingford Road.

Personal Safety Classes
Due to the massive success of our personal safety classes we have recently received funding of £1000 for new equipment. The course is over 3 weeks, one lesson a week for 2 hours at a time. Most importantly it’s free of charge!
You’ll learn to prevent confrontations before they even occur.
You’ll also learn to understand the psychology of an attacker - know the
enemy without them realising it!
Feel more confident and take charge of yours and your loved ones personal safety.
The classes are informal and use a variety of methods to teach, such as TV clips of how attacks occur, flipcharts as well as the traditional demonstration of techniques.
The course is aimed at all ages from 13+ and you do not have to be fit!
The next course is currently unconfirmed

If you are interested in attending please contact our team on 07920 233 786 or via email at harringay.snt@met.police.uk

It’s starting to get dark again! Last year the ward suffered an alarming spate of burglaries and we have managed to reduce these numbers but we need your help…DON’T LEAVE VALUABLES (Lap tops / flat screens) VISIBLE, DAY OR NIGHT!!!

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