On the 15th September I took part in an all-party discussion in Enfield which was sponsored by the Heathrow Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise, or HACAN for short.
The purpose of the meeting was to encourage opposition in this part of London to proposals which the government is now considering under which:
● a third runway at Heathrow Airport would be built..
● the practice of “runway alternation” (whereby residents affected by one flight path get 6 hours respite per day) would be abolished.
In my view, these proposals must be fought by everyone in London. There are three reasons for this.
1. People who are not the most directly affected cannot easily be dismissed as mere NIMBYs. If we stand up for the long suffering residents of West London we will greatly strengthen the hand of fellow citizens who stand to suffer a very great deal from two very damaging proposals.
2. We can help to create a climate in which governments will have to think very carefully before approving anything that may seriously damage the environment. The more widespread the opposition, the more widespread will be the risk that voters will punish those who let the proposal through.
3. It is only a matter of time before we too will be directly affected. The increase in aircraft noise which we have been noticing is not an illusion. Planes waiting to land at Heathrow are stacked above Epping. As the stacks become too full, planes have to come off them early and circle in lower and wider holding patterns.
It is important that all of us should get involved now. The Secretary of the Department for Transport, Ruth Kelly, is likely to be making a decision on runway alternation later this year.
On my website
www.davidschmitz.org.uk you can find an online petition together with my speech on the economic case against the proposals. I would also recommend that you visit HACAN’s web site.
Whether you sign my petition or organise one of your own, please get as much support as possible from everyone you know.
David Schmitz