I am posting in the middle of the night a copy of an email we have just sent to the council regarding the recurring late night noise/music coming from the greek church at the top of lausanne/frosbisher road.
Those of you who live near it should agree with this email as the church hall is creating a lot of disturbance ( 1 metre away from housing!)
I intend to follow this matter closely and question their licensing. Anybody come across the same problem? Feel free to write in or report to noise control online or by tel: 020 8348 3148.
Good night!
cc: mail@davidlammy.co.uk
Dear Sir/Madam
My wife and I live in Hornsey, at number 8 Lausanne Road, N8 0HN and nearly every Saturday and some Sundays have been kept up at night up until 11:00pm and often (as tonight) until later by very loud music coming from party discos held at the hall of St John the Baptists Greek Orthodox Church N8 0LY. We have regularily gone over politely ask them to put the music down and the various parties have all said that they were entitled to play music until Late and invariable carried on.
If they do have a license, how is it possible so close to residential housing. We are not even the closest people to them and with double glazing we hear the music, shouting and sometimes fireworks clearly.
We have regularily observed the music played with their doors and windows open, which obviously does not help with the noise. I think they do this as they do not have air conditioning. Should they not follow the same rules as nightclubs and have some level of sound insulation and ventilation so and should they can close their doors and windows (which are not even double glazed) at least.
We are not the only people to be disturbed and I would be happy to collect signatures if this is required in order to contest the renewal/terms of their licence if they have one.
I have taken the liberty of copying our local MP for his information and am also posting this email and your response onto the local website for residents information.
yours sincerely,
Dominic Burton