Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

From Harringay Ward Police Newsletter:

We have developed personal safety training classes for members of the community with a personal trainer. We are running classes, 2 hours each week for 3 weeks at a time, free of charge.

You’ll learn to prevent confrontations before they even occur! You’ll also learn to understand the psychology of an attacker - know the enemy without them realising it! Feel more confident and take charge of yours and your loved ones personal safety.

The course is based on an analytical approach as to how attacks occur.
The classes are informal and use a variety of methods to teach, such as TV clips of how attacks occur, flipcharts as well as the traditional demonstration of techniques.

The course is aimed at all ages from 13+ and you do not have to be fit!

The next course will take place at the Haringey United Reform Church on Green Lanes in junction with Alison road. It will be from 7-9pm in October (Dates to be confirmed).

If you are interested in attending please contact our team on 07920 233 786 or via email at harringay.snt@met.police.uk.

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