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Haringey Council on track to become accredited London Living Wage Employer

Haringey Council is on track to join a second wave of London councils to be accredited as London Living Wage employers. That's great progress.

The London Living Wage (LLW) describes a level of pay that's needed to achieve a minimum acceptable quality of life plus a bit more ‘for a rainy day’. Last year I submitted a Freedom of Information request to Haringey Council to ask them how they measured up. They weren't dong badly, but there were still gaps, with some employed and contract staff still pad below LLW levels.

Last week was 'Living Wage' week. John McMullan's reminder led to my following up on progress at Haringey and I was very pleased at what I found out.

The Council's Corporate Committee approved the policy for London Living Wage last year on 24th October. Last week, on 5th November, the Council & Employee Joint Consultative Committee endorsed this approach and reaffirmed their commitment to being a London Living Wage employer following the rise announced by the Mayor of London.

On top of that Haringey have applied to the Living Wage Trust for accreditation as a Living Wage employer. To be approved they have to prove that all employed, agency and contact staff are being paid at the LLW level. Although Haringey claim to already be acting in line with the accreditation requirements, currently only five London Councils are approved, including our neighbours Islington and Camden.

You can see Haringey listed as an accreditee in waiting on page 35 of the GLA report on LLW this month. (See attached).

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We note that Boris's GLAEconomics takes 65 pages to declare a LLW of £8.55 per hour. Here at OAEconomics we cut through all that crap to unveil the HaLaLW of £10 per hour. So would all you CashMobbers with the tenners burning holes in your pockets make sure first that your Cleaners are paid a minimum £10 per hour to comply with our recently enacted Harringay Ladder Living Wage legislation. Remember if it ain't HaLaL it certainly ain't kosher.

This is a welcome development, as is the decision of the Council to make one-off payments of £250 to those of its employees who earn less than £21,000 a year, this being in line with the practice of the coalition government with regard to civil servants.

It should be noted, though, that as long ago as 28th February, Lib Dem Councillors proposed an amendment to the Council's budget which would have made these very payments and which moreover would have benefited all employees earning up to £23,000. There were 973 employees who would have benefited and the cost to the Council would have been  slightly under £250,000.

In my speech, I pointed out that the employees in question were people on grades Sc1 to 5, whose earnings ranged from £14,697 to £23,277 a year. They included front-line staff such as careworkers, cleaners, library assistants, gardners and school crossing assistants. Those at the lower end of the scale were receiving 45 pence an hour less than the living wage.

Unfortunately, the Labour group on the Council voted the amendment down and they did not relent until they made a partial concession on 27th September.

Looking ahead, I hope to see progress on the living wage implmenetation, not onlly for Council employees but also for the employees of the Counci's contractors.

David Schmitz

Lib Dem Councillor for Harringay Ward



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