Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Below are the headline stats for the first three quarters of the site's life

(I've excluded unique visitors because that suggests that there were more than 2,250 in the latest quarter and with 455 members that doesn't make sense. Anyone know how Google Analytics calculates its "Absolute Unique Visitors" report?)

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A healthy exponential rise!
This link may help re. Absolute Unique Visitors - sounds like they changed the calculation.
Thanks Alistair, but I still don't get how it can reach 2,250 with 466 members (as of today) and only 20% of those visitors being new visitors. I'm missing something somewhere.
No idea. I notice some of the other links on that page suggest the figures are not wholly to be relied upon eg. "Why google analytics average times metrics are nonsense.", "Google Analytics Was Partly Showing Wrong Absolute Visitors".
Mmmmmm.........sounds like GA results should be taken as broadly indicative or used as trend data perhaps.
Well I've had three or four different IP addresses at home in the last 4 months (the joys of DHCP) and at work I've no idea how many they have. I probably get a different one each day. That said, if my wife logs on, even on her laptop then that will look like me too as we share one IP address (NAT). Entiendes?
Yes, thanks for this John. Alistair also messaged me and suggested this - people logging on at work, away from home etc. I think that's probably the answer. So I guess the unique visitor data can be used for trending rather than absolute hard data about the number of people who visit.
It's one of those dogs dinner things Hugh that as far as I can see no one ""understands"...

nice piece in the grauniad this week on it.


Bottom line is until the Government finally gets around to giving all of us a unique online id (a sort of web "oyster" thing?), then I'm just going to be confused by it.

On the good side it doesn't *really* matter does it? What matters is what you created and how well its working. Good job I say
Thanks for the link and the feedback Mark.
Impressive. 100% increase each quarter so far. It has to bottom out as they will only be so many local people with computers but hey! keep it up for just one more quarter and it will be nearing 1,000 members
Steady on GK/OD. Perhaps by the year-end!
If it starts to bottom out now. If you have one more quarter with 100% increase though?
Well, it's currently averaging between 15 and 20 new members a week. If that held there'd be around 1,200 by the year end. But that's maybe a big if.



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