Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I'm sure I'm more guilty of this than anyone else and I need to remember how damn annoying it is when people speak in acronyms and I have no idea what they mean.

I just had a mail via talktome@harringayonline.com pointing out that it's not always obvious what the acronyms used in posts on this site mean. The correspondent, for example, took a while to work out what the hell an HMO is.

So, I'm going to try and make sure that my posts include an explantion of any acronyms I use. (And to prove that I at least try to be as good as my word, an HMO is "House in Multiple Occupation".

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We need an FAQ article. More than that, we need maintainers of said article (half holding hand up). A wiki is really good for things like this as it automatically puts the link in for you whenever you type in HMO (if you have an article on it). But you can just say HMO and put a link in with the editing toolbar here. Preferably in a section of the FAQ...
Some good ideas John. I'm just going to have a late dinner after the LCSP, but let's not loose these ideas.



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