Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

A while back there was a discussion about door to door salespeople and the like.

This sign is something similar to what I have on my door explaining all the trash that comes through the letterbox will be recycled, apart from the salespeople that is!

There are two options for those who prefer the free newspapers. Print off and stick on your front door.

Hope they come in useful.

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Nice one Steve.
You've had 19 visitors to this page so far Birdy. Does that mean there are 19 doors out there with your green-Green signs, I wonder.
A similar note on my door has been there for about four years. It has dramatically reduced the amount of junk that comes through my door, I'd say around 80% less.

It obviously doesn't work if the person doesn't speak English which is quite often the case.

You could create your own A2 sign with a 2 inch Balck marker Karen, so make it more visable : )
It'll be on my door soon! Thanks Birdy.
Right, sign's up - walk past, and you'll see it. :-) I have only received 2 menues today, let's see how this pans out - I'm quite excited!
The sign's definitely working - I have received a lot less junk! Hurraaaaaah!
I recycle all the junk anyway, straight from the hallway to the bin whenever I leave the house, sometimes with the sender still in the street. My friends always text me when they're going to arrive so I only open the door on other occasions when I'm in the mood. I rather enjoy a good argument on religion or the state of the world or the merits or otherwise of products I'm being propositioned with from time to time. Callers soon get the message. I've worked in Africa and South East Asia for a while so I'm used to freedom of entry and am not a notice on door sort of person.
Despite your best intentions, your sign might be counter productive. If the leaflets aren't going through your door, it's likely that they'll go through the letterbox of someone who doesn't give a toss about recycling and will chuck them in the bin (which is a bad thing). A sign on the door requesting 25 leaflets would be more effective, as then you could recylcle them responsibly like a good citizen.
That is, unless the reason you want this sign on your door has nothing to do with recycling, in which case, excellent work.
I’m sorry I don’t understand that logic in the slightest.

There are only so many properties, if a third of them don’t have leaflets pushed through the door, then they don’t post a the rest through other letterboxes, they’ll be saved until the next push for customers. If half of us demanded not to have them, they wouldn’t put two through each other door.

Signs such as these are quite common now. I would rather not have them, and not recycle them.

This sign is to do with recycling and to politely inform the person who is leafleting that it is a waste of their resources as it will not be read.
My logic is that the people who put these things through your door are posting a certain number of leaflets, and not posting to a certain number of houses. If they don't put something through your door, they'll put it through someone elses, who (as I suggested) may not be as recycle friendly as you.
I agree with your wish never to have these things through the door, but perhaps if less people get this rubbish (if you get 25 of them, then 24 other people don't), then the less effective it will be and then these places won't post them at all.
If 20 people stuck a notice on their doors asking for 25 leaflets to be put through their letterbox (and recylced it responsibly) , that would mean that;
a. 475 wouldn't get the 'advertisment' for the pizza place etc.
b. it would cost the pizza place lots more to produce their nonsense in order to let everyone know.
c. they may realise it wasn't worth their while

I know it's another way of looking at it, but at this moment in time it would be a lot better for you to have the leaflets to recycle, than expect everyone down your street to act responsibly.
Also the people who are posting these things (who are predominently underpaid and desparate) are given less of a chore!
I would imagine the Ladder and the Gardens get leaflets on a regular basis whether it by area or amount. If more people put up the signs, it would be more effective long term.

These guys have thousands printed and deliver on a weekly basis sometimes.The best thing to do, if you don't want them is to say so. I don't want to patch over the problem I want to help reduce the problem.

Tomorrow I am going to collect all the free newspapers out of the stands and put in my Green Box, the council will be chuffed that I collected them all to recycle yet not to read them : )
I don't understand the logic either. So we can't have signs up, because we will then MAYBE unintentionally give our unwanted junk mail to someone who's not as responsible re. recycling as us? But then again, maybe it will go to someone who is responsible. There's no way we'll know, is it? I am not taking my sign down so I can potentially babysit some unknown littebug somewhere else on my road. Sorry guys, this logic is completely lost on me. Maybe it's a blonde thing. My sign stays where it is! :D



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