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"£2bn sell-off of Haringey Council property ‘will force out families and destroy community’"

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Families that riot every 30 years. Communities that support them. Discuss....

No John, I'm not accepting that as a frame for discussion. If you have some challenging ideas you'd like to express about riots, poverty,  public housing, and cyclical generational upsurges in violence; then please set them out properly with some supporting evidence. I'd certainly make time to read your views, discuss these in person, and follow links to the sources* you provide. 

Otherwise this seems to be an echo of Stuart Lipton's so-called report. ("It Took Another Riot") where a property developer announced that the cure for riots is - guess what - property development.

* P.S. If your evidence includes the ideas of an organisation called  "Space Syntax"  which were footnoted by Stuart Lipton, I'd like to see references and links that are more substantial than the tiny indistinct map he included, and for which at the time of his report I wasn't able to find published and publicly available sources.

By the way I don't think "families" and individuals from many of the homes on the demolition list are being targeted and collectively punished for communal family rioting.
I suspect their "wrongdoing" is far more likely to be the "crime" of living on land coveted by developers. Desirable and highly profitable land because of its nearness to - for example - a station; a view of water (stream, river or reservoirs); or a largish park.

But with profits only fully realisable if existing residents - or a large proportion of them - are cleared off, moved out, with homes then flattened.

hey John, lets discuss then. Who are the families that riot every 30 years. Provide some granular so we can get started?

Hey everyone, 

We're really worried about Haringey's chaotic development plans.

We're asking the Council to answer our questions in writing.

Please sign our petition and share it if you share our concerns.


Many thanks, Cat



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