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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

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Dear public

Health Minister Jeremy Hunt is about to sign-off secret plans to force changes to local NHS services. And it’s all just to cut costs. The plans could mean cuts to hospital beds, making waiting times longer, and cutting NHS staff. [1]

The plans - called a "capped expenditure process" - are being finished right now and Tottenham is in the shortlist of areas which could get the first round of cuts. [2] Because the plans are secret, it's hard to say exactly which services near you could be at risk. But the scale of the threat is clear - NHS bosses have been told to 'think the unthinkable' for these plans. [3] No wonder Jeremy Hunt doesn't want us to see them!

The best way to stop these cuts is to get them out in the open and demand that our NHS is funded properly. So please can you sign the petition now, demanding that Jeremy Hunt publishes these plans for local NHS cuts? It only takes 30 seconds to add your name:

If you’re thinking this all sounds a bit familiar, you’d be right. Together, we’ve exposed Jeremy Hunt’s secret plans before. Last summer, thousands of us chipped in to investigate the first round of secret NHS cuts called "sustainability and transformation plans". [4] We made headlines, from BBC News, to the front page of the Guardian. Our people-powered research was even quoted in Parliament as MP after MP said how shocked they were about the plans. Please sign the petition which came out today Friday 16th June.

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I don't trust this Left wing scare story. No evidence is posted above. No local Labour MP has complained of this issue. There are no secret cuts to the NHS. The NHS, doctors, unions and nurses would be the first to complain about them and they have not. 

Spending on the NHS is increasing by billions in the next few years. This will lead to expansion, not reduction!

If you want to do something helpful, campaign to reduce mass immigration to the UK. This is the biggest cause of distress to the NHS as it cannot cope with 370,000 new patients a year, every year. Local people have to join longer queues for treatment as migrants and their families sign up for free medical treatment. 

 "If you want to do something helpful, campaign to reduce mass immigration to the UK."

O'Shea,  a very nice U.K. name.

At least Mr Ó Séaghdha has anglicised his name for you Stephen but I suspect he is untroubled by cognitive dissonance. Like myself he comes from an Island known for it's mass immigration over the past several centuries. I also think I recall Neil is a fan of the Sun but I might be wrong. 

"The NHS, doctors, unions and nurses would be the first to complain about them and they have not."

You need to expand your social circles mate. Meet some doctors and nurses.

I know a few doctors and nurses. You should know most people do. None of them complain about 'secret cuts'. Even the unions for doctors and nurses do not complain of 'secret cuts'. 

Scare stories, or fake news, like that above, just provide fear among vulnerable people and are motivated by individuals wanting political gain for Left wing parties. 

For 50 years opponents of the Tories have complained they will privatise and cut the NHS. It has never happened. Instead, the Conservatives have poured billions of extra pounds into the NHS thanks to the growing economy they achieve. And they keep getting re-elected into government by the people. Rival parties would underachieve on the economy and have less money to spend on the NHS. Leaving the wasteful EU will give us billions of extra pounds to spend on the NHS. I hope everyone is campaigning for that.  

Decreasing waiting lists during the 2000's when there was an increase in European migration to the UK.

Since 2011 all indices of waiting times such as GP waiting, Consultant waiting times, time waiting for ambulance arrival, waiting in A&Es etc have increased year on year. This increase in waiting was predicted in 2010 as the Conservatives gained control of the NHS as part of a policy towards de-regulation and increased privatisation.

Remember the Tory slogans of 2010 election "The NHS is safe with us"  or how about "There will be NO top down re-organisation of the NHS". The Conservative governments of the last seven years have  been disastrous.

Have you ever heard of a Dr's strike? There's been one or two of late.

"campaign to reduce mass immigration... the biggest cause of distress to the NHS".

The UK is a net beneficiary with regards to immigration, meaning that immigrants give more to our state than they take out.

The UK gained £20,000,000 profit from European immigration from 2000-2011. Some of that money should have been used by successive governments to improve the services that we all use.

In 2011 the NHS was shown in international studies to be among the most efficient and cost effective in the world, comparing 17 countries including USA, France, Germany, Sweden etc; the problems with increasing waiting lists, A & E chaos, demoralised staff, elderly patients blocking beds etc have all occurred during the last seven years (of Conservative led governments).

The NHS problems of the last 7 years were predictable as the Conservative government followed their policy of re-organisation, privatisation and cut.

Without immigration the NHS would fall to bits!

Sorry that should read

"The UK gained £20,000,000,000 profit from European immigration from 2000-2011"

Your lack of understanding of how the reciprocal EU health care arrangements currently work is staggering.  When an EU national presents for treatment, the costs are re-charged back to their home country.  It costs the UK government nothing.  You should also be aware that whilst we export our sick old people, we import relatively young fit working people that add to the economy.  Department of Health figures show that the UK pays an average of £773m a year to other EU countries for the medical treatment of UK nationals, while it receives only £51m a year back for treating EU nationals here.  If you take Spain as an example, we pay out 20 times more into the Spanish healthcare system as they pay us for taking care of their citizens here.

I have reposted this higher in the thread as you obviously missed it.

You say- "There are no secret cuts to the NHS. The NHS, doctors, unions and nurses would be the first to complain about them and they have not."

Doctors representative says-

The 'capped expenditure process' is "far from safe and will only lead to poorer care in the future. The government must step up and finally act in the best interests of the NHS and patients, rather than continue to starve the health service of resources and patients of care." Dr Mark Porter Council Chair of the British Medical Association.


"...we understand that deliberately longer waits for treatments are being considered Patients could face a waiting time postcode lottery as the capped expenditure process is applied to areas tackling the most extreme financial difficulties.

For someone waiting in pain and discomfort, possibly unable to work such proposals could be devastating. They are also a fake economy as the NHS will continue to pay for medication, physiotherapy and support while such patients wait to qualify for treatment".

Royal College of Surgeons.



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