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FOUND at Railway Fields- Tripp Suitcase with sentimental stuff. PLEASE READ

FOUND at Railway Fields- Tripp Suitcase with sentimental stuff. PLEASE READ and help us solve the mystery/ return some things to their rightful owner.

10am (ish)... Today... Railway Fields Nature Reserve...

It was a bright spring morning. Having unlooked the site and unbolted the windows, I headed out for my usual (almost) daily litter pick. This is often one of the highlights of my day, funnily enough, especially when the weather is so beautiful and early signs of seasonal change are springing up everywhere. Unless the quantity of trash is particularly depressing or there is excess dog/ squirrel/ any other kind of poo on site, it is a very satisfying task, spotting errant bits of rubbish and using the litterpick to pluck them from their ivy clad bed nto a bag. I often go past locals and regular visitors, sitting on the tree bench, or local mums pushing buggies up the cobbled path. I either get a look of surprise, endorsement, or wonder, especially from toddlers waddling past me.

Along with the usual horde of extra strength beer cans, take away wrappers and squashed cigarette butts, we do occasionally find larger bits of dumped trash- broken tents, umbrellas, bags. Often suitcases are spewing their contents and these contents get wet and yucky over night. So sadly, using gloves and advanced litterpick skills and trying not to breathe in the smell of fox spray, myself and sometimes a colleague pop them in a rubbish bag and they go out on Green Lanes (at the proper Haringey collection times- please note we never fly tip.)

Today when I found a spewing suitcase with wet socks tumbling out down the slope, I sighed and got my litterpick and carrier bag ready. Sad for the person who had lost their possessions, sad for myself for having to deal with it when a long to do list awaited me in the office, and annoyed at whomever had dumped the case so carelessly. Railway Fields is a Nature Reserve, a place for people to enjoy wildlife, "an oasis off bustling Green Lanes" and yet still some people think its an acceptable place to use as a bin or as a urinal.

Anyway as I started getting ready with my pick, I realised that there was some quite beautiful and some quite special things amongst the rubbish. Lots of jewellery boxes, a polaroid photo, some book plates, some beautiful new knitware and other sentimental bits and bobs, including some wedding... 'debris.'

Not wanting to put the stuff in the bin, but also not knowing what to do with it, my colleague suggested I let the local police know, in case the suitcase had been stolen, rifled through and dumped. The owner of the case wouldn't expect to get the stuff back, but they might have reported the crime. Sadly, not much of monetary value is left in the case, although the suitcase itself looks brand new and there are some personal things in their which I am sure someone would not like to lose. I phoned 101, who put me through to Hornsey Police Front Desk, who said, "Why didn't you phone 101?" and then were put out that 101 had referred me to them. After being put on hold for a while, Hornsey Police then said we had done the right thing calling them, but the find didn't need to be reported, and I should bin the suitcase and contents.

However, I do not wish to bin it. I would like someone to collect the case and whats left in it. Failing that, if it doesn't get collected in the next week, Railway Fields can use the boxes and beautiful drawstring bags for samples and educational/ art activities.

So HOLlers, please holler, PLEASE spread the word. In the case the names on the sheet are Emily and David. I have a surname to but to respect the confidentiality of the owner I won't reveal it in public. If you think the case is yours or you know who it is, send me a message. I will ask you a few questions about the case and its contents to ascertain that I am dealing with the rightful owner.

Hope you can help!


020 8348 6005


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Thanks, not a bad idea

Good for you. Agree that knowing the surname might help, especially if gets on twitter or facebook.

Am a bit shocked that the police wouldn't even register this - so if Emily /David did report it, the fact you'd been in touch would never reach them? 

Ok... Fair enough. Names I have from the case are David Auld and Emily Auld Tibbitts. Anyone know them?

I think I've found them on facebook (I love a good sleuth). Will PM you the email address I've found and fingers crossed it's them!

Keep us posted!

I will keep you informed.

Argh! Marion thanks for the connection request. Annoyingly by adding you as a connection, I lost your private message with Emily's email address. Can you resend? Sorry to be a pain


It's her! She just emailed me and told me it had been stolen. I've sent you a new message with her email so you can get in touch.
Good sleuthing Marion. And well done Ms Railway Fields for taking the time to reunite this stuff with the rightful owner....
They're also both on LinkedIn, which has their email addresses and phone numbers. Slightly scary how easy it is to track someone down with just their names...
That's up to individuals isn't it. I wouldn't put that detail online myself..

UPDATE: Suitcase happily reunited with rightful owner.

Great work, well done you 2, nice to know that the owner got there belongings back



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