HARINGEY council spends too much on promoting itself through PR and not enough on what it supposed to be doing.
The Evening Standard reports
today that our council spent
£19,000 on PR for Sharon Shoesmith (currently suspended by the Children's Secretary using statutory powers, on full pay). Doubtless we will hear excuses for this.
The same paper, also reports
today that police are investigating claims that a five year old boy "
Child C" was seriously abused while under the care of Better Haringey, our Three Star Beacon Council. The article refers to the increased costs of taking children into care.
If the council would stop spending so much money on promoting itself it would have more money available for front-line services. For example, if their
propaganda department were shut down, their current budget could be transferred to Child Protection. By this single measure, hundreds of thousands of pounds currently wasted could help protect our most vulnerable fellow citizens, at no extra cost to the council or to council-taxpayers.
It might also demonstrate that the council has got its priorities right.