Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Some advice needed please! I notice the above Assembly assembles tomorrow evening, Tuesday 2nd December at 7.30pm in the Salvation Army Hall, 1 Terront Road N15 (just off West Green Road, Green Lanes End).

As I've never attended this Assembly previously, could some kind soul tell me whether this would be a good and profitable way to spend my evening. Also, am I likely to meet all Harringay-based members of HOL at this Assembly? I ask this because the Assembly Agenda seems to deal with many of the areas and issues that I read about on HOL, viz:

Youth Activities & Projects, incl.DVDs produced by young people around Edgecot Grove and Duckett's Common.
Safer Neighbourhood Teams - update.
Cabinet Question Time - your chance to grill the Councillors.
Green Lanes Strategy Group - update.
HMOs - update.
Soap Box - have your say.
(For Area Assembly Newsletter, see November's 'Haringey People'.


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The above was posted at 12.00NOON - so how comes it's timed at 12.00pm? Wouldn't that be midnight? Such tokens of ignorance and innumeracy betoken the end of civilis..... Oh what the hell? No one's listening.
As far as I'm aware OAE, 12 noon is the 12 that's considered post-meridian - after midday - pm. Or have I misunderstood your point?
Surely you've read one time contributor Eddie Finnegan's blog post on this Hugh?
Was going, but clash of diaries means I can't now. Yes, you do a learn a lot.
Why not write up the main points for us OAE?

btw, ranting about the clock is a dead giveaway, you know.
I've never been either but maybe making an appearance, mainly as a nosey on looker.
I shall take my popcorn and glasses then.
Hey GP, which of those stereotypes am I? Haven't quite got to the stage of being able to retire, so must fall into either a crank or axegrinder. Either way, clearly am very underemployed! :D
Fun is not a word I would use about the evening but they can be informative, sometimes a bit lively. If you look at the plans for community involvement, these meetings are the prime way that the council believe they meet their remit for community involvement. So sometimes I think , maybe we shouldn't go at all so they have to rethink it. On the other hand they would probably soldier on if just one man and his dog turned up, ticking the consultation box as they go, so maybe better to go on along and try and have your say...if the cranks will let you! :)
Liz, thanks for your balanced appraisal of the AA. Missed your reference to the finnegan blog. Obviously before my time, but he/she sounds vaguely intelligent/educated. More'n I can say for GP, that eminent leader of a 'busy life'. No the word 'retiree' is not in my lexicon. The more passive 'employee' may well be someone who has something done to him/her all their lives- hence the '-ee' suffix. No, 'retire' is an ACTIVE VERB and since I actively chose retirement I utterly reject GP's transatlantic barbarism. Crank and axegrinder I proudly am. I'm also a long-term RESIDENT of HARRINGAY and (now that Liz has jogged my aged, alzheimered memory) I suddenly recall attending most of our Area Assembly meetings over the past several years.
As a HARRINGAY RESIDENT may I suggest that a few dozen more of our thousand HOLliers get off their collective arse and find their way to the Sally Army Hall tomorrow night, to make the Area Assembly 'our own' rather than 'THEIRS'. Of course it's much more comfortable to sit and hug our laptops and gurgle happily over the demise of Council Leaders and Cabinet Members who have done more for local democracy and for Haringey's kids than we will ever dream of.
Yep,GP, when these old "retirees" start grinding their cranks, watch yer back when the axes start flying.
Sorry if you felt abused, we're just teasing GP, well I am.
btw I prefer 'single issue campaigner' to axe grinder on the whole. :) (I am smiling here!)

OAE is probably a member of the Grey Panthers, a weird underground movement headed by shadowy figure E Finnegan who challenges all forms of perceived ageism on the site. I get it in the neck from them all the time!
Yes GP, I don't do smileyfacemoticons to neutralise what I'm saying. Your 'significant demographic skew' and resultant sense of incredible frustration is hardly caused by the attendance of "retirees, cranks and axegrinders". Please surround yourself with a bunch of your non-retired, non-cranky confreres and persuade them to come along to outnumber the aforementioned awful triplets. Then the Assembly's yours.

"All forms of ageism", Liz - nothing 'perceived' about it. :) :(
See what I mean GP?
The Grey Ones speak again and I am suitably chastised.
You should I have seen the drubbing I got here from their charismatic and elusive chief EF

I've attended a few of these AA meetings although not recently and in principle, they're a good idea. The format I've seen operate in the past is a less than perfect form of participatory democracy, but its really up to us. If you don't feel the format is good, you should say so. Certainly in the past, their slogan of "You Talk, We Listen" was doublespeak for "We talk and you will listen!" (if their 'talking' comprises council officers droning on about their jobs, you are likely to be bored mindless).

Given half a chance, the council may endeavour to control proceedings so as to distract attention from political subjects. One tactic I saw used last year was to divide up the public in little groups, each with a leader and come up with ideas for the environment. This had the effect of directing everyone to think along particular lines, in particular boxes. It was like being in a primary school classroom and it was milding humiliating! On that occasion, there was a member of a Green party in the audience to provide some needed perspective on the council's slogan/ambition of being the Greenest Borough in London.

To be fair, there has always been at least some opportunity to question councillors and criticise council policy. AA meetings need to be encouraged. It's a great opportunity to raise the subject of the editorial impartiality of Haringey People magazine, published, printed and distributed at great cost to this Borough and of questionable value in its current form.



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