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Removal of railings along Harringay Passage (at junctions with the roads)

Apart from Adam Coffman was anyone else aware this work - removal of railings along Harringay Passage (at junctions with the roads) - was happening?

I know it was discussed at the first meeting of the Harringay Passage Group (yet to be constituted) in January, but wasn't aware a decision had been made between the council & a few residents that this work was to go ahead.

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....for those wanting to follow this up here is the Department of Transport Guidance on the issue.

As the father of two young children and a resident of Falkland Road, I am concerned about the lack of barriers at the junctions of the Passage and the Ladder roads.

There is a period in every child's life when they need to be able to charge ahead of their parents, but where they cannot be relied upon always to remember to wait on pavements before crossing roads. A barrier enables a parent to give children clear instructions as to how far they can run ahead, and it also slows the children down so that when necessary they can be caught!

When I have a word with the head of highways at the end of the week, I'll raise with him the question of what can be done to provide a substitute for the railings. It occurs to me that If the contractors did the work without ibeing instructed to do so, the Council may be entitled to get the railings replaced at the contractors' expense - but here of course I am speculating.

On the question of the 2012 audit, I took part in an inspection in June of that year, and I commented on the somewhat perfunctory response which Council officers made to suggestions which various residents had put forward. Having looked again at the list of residents' suggestions, officers' comments and my comments on the comments, I have not seen any mention of the possibility that railings be removed. The discussion was concerned instead with the need for traffic calming near the junctions and, in particular with the need to have more junctions like the one at Frobisher Road, which is a model, and fewer like the one at Falkland Road, which is not.

David Schmitz

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Harringay Ward

Use this as an opportunity to get wider improvements done on the street? The stretch of Falkland from the passage to Wightman Rd, with Fairland Park on one side and the school on the other, could be made really special. Imagine if pedestrians and school kids had priority over the traffic...

There was me thinking how nice you'd like in white with one of those little straw hats on, Phil.

This picture gives me massive traffic calming solution envy.

Oh Phil, these aren't ordinary Morris Dancers - these are Dave Morris Dancers.

I have now had a reply from the head of the highways department in the following terms:

I take note of North Harringay School’s concern and apologise for the lack of consultation or notification that has taken place to date.

I have arranged for the guards rails to be replaced on Falkland Road by this Friday and will arrange a meeting with yourself and fellow cllrs for one day next week to discuss the way forward.

With this in mind please provide me with you availability to meet next week.

I have provided dates, but have asked that the meeting take place after Tuesday, in order that I may first have the opportunity to sound out members of the Friends of Harringay Passage.

The other Harringay Ward Cllrs have been copied in.

David Schmitz

Liberal Democrat Cllr for Harringay Ward

Good job. Well done, David.

It is at the Falkland Centre at NHP. Entrance is via a gate on Frobisher Rd, by Harringay Passage.


Why did the Audit ask for the railings to be removed ? Even going back to discussions in 2009 it seemed to be agreed that they were a good thing.

John, the suggested action was planters to be placed at the junctions which would allow the removal of railings. This approach works really well on the roads either side of and approaching south Harringay school which have same kind of road treatment (the pavement and road levels are even) but no railings. Looking at the picture Matt took of someone parking on pavement, something (and I would vote for planters) needs to be there to prevent vehicles using the pavement as a continuation of the road.

I see - thanks. Personally, I would go for railings but if the planters stop children rushing out on to the road, then fine



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