Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

From the council website
Tuesday 6 May 2008

Residents are being invited to have their say on new Haringey Council proposals to improve more than 25km of public rights of way across the borough.

The council has now published a draft Rights of Way Improvement Plan, setting out ways of better maintaining Haringey's rights of way and encouraging more pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders to use and enjoy them.

It looks at issues such as footpath signs, litter, lighting, surfacing, bollards, gates and overhanging vegetation, as well as how to raise residents' awareness of the borough's rights of way network.

The network includes stretches of well-used routes such as Parkland Walk, the Capital Ring and the Lee Valley Walk, along with much smaller paths linking roads and open spaces.

The draft plan, which has been drawn up in consultation with a range of residents' groups and interested organisations, also questions whether more footpaths need to be added to the council's current official rights of way list - called the draft Definitive Map and Statement.

Residents can now give their views on which areas should be prioritised by the council during a 12-week consultation, running from Friday 2 May to 25 July.

You can comment by visiting www.haringey.gov.uk/rowip or by picking up an explanatory leaflet that will be available at council offices and customer service centres around the borough.

All views will then be taken into account when the council draws up its final improvement plan.

Cabinet Member for Environment and Conservation, Cllr Brian Haley, said:

"The Rights of Way Improvement Plan is all about encouraging more of our residents to get around Haringey on foot or by bike. Not only would this reduce traffic congestion and cut carbon emissions, it would also get more people out and about and exercising.

"The plan sets out a range of ways in which we can improve our public footpaths over the next ten years. In particular, we want to address issues that may prevent or discourage certain sections of the community, such as blind or visually impaired people, from making use of our rights of way.

"I now hope residents will let us know which of the list of actions they think most important. We will take all views into account as we draw up our final improvement plan."

Among the proposed improvement actions are:

* Set up programme to identify any additional paths that should be added to the list of rights of way
* Publish this list online
* Include destinations and distances on signs on key paths
* Inspect for and clear litter and fly-tipping
* Survey all public rights of way annually
* Improve bollard visibility
* Remove all obstructive motorcycle barriers
* Publish two new suggested walks and cycle rides annually
* Create six circular routes from the existing core routes
* Ensure that information is available in many languages

Tags for Forum Posts: consultation, rights of way, walking, walking routes

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What I don't see in the plan is much focus on extending the network of PROWs. There's a item in the plan to "publish two new suggested routes" between 2009 and 2017 (p24) - or have I skimmed the plan too quickly?



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