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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

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Just a question about why this would be bad. My reading of red routes is that they don't allow parking. So buses could travel much faster

Exactly. Not sure where that’s coming from but would be great to see parking along green Lanes banned or seriously reduced! 


Alice, there are a couple of concerns. Firstly, the removal of parking along GL will mean that traffic will necessarily be forced onto Ladder and Gardens roads. This will include those who still want to drive to the shops and restaurants, those who work in them, and those who supply them.

There was a post here a few months ago regarding a perceived increase in difficulty in cycling along GL. One responding cyclist who had been an active campaigner for his own street north of Harringay to be included in an LTN generously suggested removing parking on GL so that his ride through Harringay might be a little more pleasant. He went so far as to volunteer the Ladder and Gardens roads as parking spots. 

Much like ex-councillor Clive's suggestion below, these simple fixes are easy to suggest as they come without consequences (intended or otherwise) for those who are passing through and don't live on the roads either side of GL.

The second issue is that with a relatively narrow road, a red route can lead to it becoming purely a thoroughfare. Material aspects of it being a 'high street' can be lost. 

I'm not sure what Matthew's particular concerns are in posting this, but I do recall he was involved in having traffic moved from his own road onto neighbouring ladder roads (Hewitt 'no right turn', and the creation of the failed 'piazza' on the corner of Salisbury). In Haringey and Harringay, when it comes to traffic, it's very much every man for himself.  

Good points, James.

If we’re serious about shifting people to public transport surely permanent bus lanes (which will mean no parking on GL) in each direction are the way to get a quick, reliable service that people will want to use?

Yesterday I saw two big cars - Range rovers or similar parked across the pelican crossing at the bottom of Falkland Rd totally blocking the it for pedestrians.

So yes , a red route might be an idea if it was policed

IF a Red Route is being considered (likely to speed the buses), then could it not be combined with cycle lanes in both directions?

i.e. the Red Route markings would be inset from either side of the carriageway by the width of a cycle lane.

Would that not be be the best solution for those who love active-travel and public transport?

Although Green Lanes would remain an open-sewer of air pollution, the by-product would be to rinse a long stretch from massive car parking.

West Green Road not Green Lanes, I think? Haringey proposal from August 2024. Document here, map here.

There's also a closed Red Route consultation for Wood Green High Road, Turnpike Lane - Bounds Green Rd.

Thanks; I looked for a link to a proposal for a red route for Haringey Green Lanes without luck. I had thought the reference might have been linked to a tweet last year about the council's standard menu of Jam-tomorrow.

10 years ago, West Green Road was reported as Haringey's most polluted road and one of London's most polluted. And yet the authorities have been slow to take any form of action to help preserve residents' health.

Clean Air London also reported that this most-polluted running sewer was followed by … Green Lanes.

The Highwaymen of Haringey, with sufficient political support, have resisted progress.

Both consultations emphasise that on a Red Route illegally parked vehicles can be monitored in real time by CCTV and fines issued without the intervention of a parking attendant. Rather like CCTV at box junctions.  This isn't the case for yellow-line parking restrictions. Nor would all parking spaces be removed.

That would address adamvietnam's egregious example above.

Sounds good to me 



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