Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Haringey Welcome with our partners The Museum of Homelessness have so far this year supported 17 residents with newly acquired refugee status to secure housing in Haringey.

We're very proud that our community's generosity has enabled us to achieve this. https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/prevent-refugee-homelessness-in-har...

Now as funds run low we are calling on our neighbours and fellow residents to support the fund again if you can, so we can continue this work. Sadly the threat of homelessness and destitution for those receiving a positive asylum decision continues. New refugees are given 28 days to claim Universal Credit, find work, and find a place to live, before eviction from their asylum accommodation. This after an extended period of months or years in limbo without the right to work, living on £9 a week for those in hotels, and less than £50 for those who are self-catering.

This winter we're appealing again for your support. The Crowdfunder will stay open for donations as long as the need continues. We have also recently opened it up for anyone who wishes to set up their own linked fundraiser page and raise funds for us by doing a sponsored activity such as a cake bake, half marathon, karaoke, pub quiz, etc - just click the 'start fundraising' button. We'd also appreciate any shares across your networks!

Many thanks and big up to the Haringey community! Further information on the Haringey Welcome site here. And on the Museum of Homelessness site here.

Tags for Forum Posts: homelessness, migrant justice, refugees

Views: 973

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This is a great initiative – thanks Tanya.

Thanks, Alex

Thank you, Tanya. This is for such a good cause 👍

Thanks, Adam

The most ridiculous - and disgusting - thing about the racist bile that some (mostly anonymous) accounts have been coming up with here is the fact that the original post was about a CHARIY FUNDRAISER for desperate people who are at risk of being made homeless. These are clearly nOT people who've bene handed the moon on a stick by the state - they're people in dire need of a roof over their head. It's also asking for donations. Now, if you don't want to make a donation, no-one forces you to. You can snort at the most, and then go and donate to Shelter or whatever your preferred homeless charity of choice might be instead.

But no. What happens instead is the whole thread fills up with toxic lies, insinuations, far-right conspiracy theories and talking points and unsubstantiated claims. I'd personally like to see an end to anonymous accounts here as we all know how they're weaponised on social media. 

Thank you, Hugh D. There is no obligation to donate. What worries me here is the lack of empathy to fellow human beings. I hope all those angry about supporting desperate people forced to flee their homes never find themselves in need. 

Absolutely this - along with the fact they've been tricked into believing it's a zero-sum game. EITHER we support refugees OR we support ;our own', whatever that dubious notion is supposed to mean. The sad reality is that this millionaires and billionaires who've persuaded them of this don't car koine jot for 'our own' either and are simply encouraging people who've seen their wages suppressed, their rights eroded, their services sold off, and so on that falling standards of living weren't the fault of the right-wing governments who made these decisions but were instead caused - somehow, magically - by folk fleeing horrors abroad. It's stunning how easily people fall for this and how hate agains people lower down the food chain seems to sustain them. 

Thank you for this timely initiative aimed at doing something to help those in desperate need. 
The vitriol of those 'merely pointing out'  in the comments below all seem to lack one thing - a crowdfunder that they themselves have set up to help the cause they claim to expouse. 

An old Irish phrase comes to mind:
'It is easy to sleep on another man's wound'

Good Luck!

Thanks, Niall

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