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I am still looking for people to complete the above questionnaire 

please contact me if you would like to help 

Many thanks Pete 

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Hi Pete,

What is the questionnaire for? Happy to help if it’s for something beneficial!


Hi Pete , happy to help


I had a look at your questionnaire.  It's title is "dissertation questions (1365).docx"  So I presume that this is some sort of academic exercise.  If people complete this where will the results go? to Haringey Council or to a college?

I don't intend to complete the questionnaire as the first six questions ask for personal information e.g. d.o.b.; gender; marital status; level of education; ethnicity; annual income.  However there is no info on why this information is required or how, if provided, it will be made secure.

Also if your concern is about trees why don't you go straight to (and start with) Q10 avoiding all the waffle of Q7 to 9 inc.

Same thoughts, who gets the information ?

I’m afraid my reaction was the same as others Pete.  There is nothing about how my responses to demographic questions will be used and kept and how it will be held separately from my personal identifier (my email address when I mail it back to you) and how and when it will be deleted, so I don’t feel I can complete the questionnaire.  Also, it’s impossible for me to actually write anything on the document you attach using a phone or tablet (which is how I use HoL).  The OU have good guidance on questionnaire design and use for post grad students 


Hi Pete, I would like to complete your questionnaire and help in any way... the street trees are very important to me. One close to my house is obviously dead... I was hoping it would perk up but it hasn't... I water the one directly outside my house and have planted a few flowers around it and have tried to encourage other residents to do the same.. It would encourage people to water. Kathleen

Hi Pete, I just looked at the questionnaire,, hadn't looked at it prior to sending my last text.  I didn't like the initial part of the questionnaire and didn't see the relevance .  I would be happy to discuss the planting and care of trees in our road but really don't see why personal information on my status is relevant. kathleen

Hi Kathleen 

thank you and everyone for the responses and concerns.

those questions are to provide socio-economic background to the research, they help to inform whether people from different backgrounds value street trees in the same way. 

They do seem intrusive but the survey is anonymous and no information is shared. Without that information to underwrite the data, it would be impossible to identify if socio-economic background influenced how people value street trees in the Borough. 

Thank you all for your feedback and taking the time to read through the questionnaire


Many thanks Pete

Id be delighted to complete a questionnaire


Hi Hels 

the questionnaire should be available on here to look over and respond to, if you still wish to, if not no problem. 

My email is afp46f@bangor.ac.uk if you wish to send it back to me there. 

Thanks Pete 



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