Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

There have been a  few discussions on HOL that mention the 'Our Haringey' App. One thing I thought it was lacking was a feedback function, whereby someone who sent a report in was told what the outcome of their report was...

Well, today, I got a surprise. I got some feedback saying that a report I had sent has been closed. I will check that the rubbish reported has gone, but I thought this was really useful.

Interestingly, I received nothing on a report I made in July about trees on Burgoyne being damaged by what looks like dogs using them for fighting practise. So I checked its status, and hey ho something had been looked at, but the status was listed as 'unjustified'. I have no idea what this means, not what will happen- this one looks like it has been kicked into the long grass...

Tags for Forum Posts: love clean streets app, our haringey app

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