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Comment Wall:

  • Liz

    It only appears to you and the site admins, no one else can see it if they go to your page.
    You can edit it out of your profile completely from us too, it is not a necessary field, (although it is there when we check the full members list of course which is not something I do a lot!)
  • Liz

    Eddie what's this with a stage name instead of the perfectly good one you were christened with...and you are no longer grey. Best get yourself a grey man avatar back!
  • Arthur Astrop

    Dear OAE,
    How kind of you to respond to my piece on Wightman Rd etc in the period 1923 - 1933. And to be so complimentary as well! I have been astonished at the interest shown by a few who read it first on the Francis Frith website, then Hugh's response, and now yourself. I must confess to still being somewhat bewildered by the 'customs' of blogging, not least of course, because of my rather advanced age.
    The recent flurry of postings, however, has just reminded me that some years ago I wrote a fairly detailed account of my early life in the form of a long 'Letter to my Grandchildren'. (and now to my great-grands as well). My reasoning was that almost certainly (like me) they would eventually come deeply to regret not having asked g'pa and g'ma enough questions when they were still alive. So I wrote it down for them.
    The first dozen or so pages of that 'letter' deal with my life and impresssions in the years 1923-1933, almost all of them at 257 Wightman Rd. I cannot imagine these recollections of life in north London then would be of much interest to anyone in the 21st century, but they do exist..
    If you, or Hugh, want to read those pages then I don't know how to get them to you! My instinct is to photo-copy them and send them by post. If they are of any use, you could then edit them and include them on the site. I really don't know.
    With best wishes,
    Arthur Astrop
  • Arthur Astrop

    Dear OAE,
    I have sent the 10 pages, covering my years 1923 to 1933 in 257 Wightman Rd to Hugh and he seems pleased. He may use some of it. As regards your kind suggestion that I post something (a general toe-in-the-water enquiry) on the Main page, hoping to attract the interest of the present occupants of No 257, I'm not sure how to do that. If and when you have time, could you give me a lead?
    Best wishes,
    Arthur Astrop
  • Liz

    re "...outside Yasar Halim, where all the old folk seem to run into the road."
    Shouldn't the old fools be confined to their homes, or preferably to a Generalised Old Folks' Home? Bloody lemmings!

    I couldn't wait to see your response to that comment. I wasn't disappointed.

    Hope you are feeling okay and that you'll be able to make it to the traffic meeting on the 23rd.
  • Liz

    Now go gentle on the folks in the Old People Crossing Roads post for some, I know, are treading on the thinnest of ice. What am I saying? Flame them OAE!
  • StephenBln

    Hi somehow your message didn't show up after added you as a connection... could you repeat it - sorry 'It looked like good news' ;o)
  • John McMullan

    I've tried to snap a few pictures of the bus I have in mind. I see it down Wightman Rd sometimes and it's a TfL mobility/dial-a-ride bus - nice and red too. It is narrower than the W5 and a current user of Wightman Rd so that should be no problem.

    The route, required frequency and "stops" need to be thought about but I guess we should just get the ball rolling with a proposal. I was thinking about the Harringay Heartlands secondary school as well... I think those kids will be walking from Hornsey Park Rd or Turnpike Lane.