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Dear David Lammy and Catherine West.

As a former Labour Party member I have met and spoken and listened to you over many years. Long enough so I can confidently imagine how you will feel when you see the photos and reports on the BBC website this morning.


When will you publicly cry out?

Yours sincerely and with best wishes,

Alan Stanton
Former Labour Party Member
Formerly an elected Labour councillor, constituency and ward secretary.

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Cue the apologists in 3...2...1

Why ask people to play a guessing game? Is genocide a matter of games?

If you have something serious to say then please try to say and write it clearly. It may be helpful to all of us trying to make some sense of the apparent insanity in many corners of the world. Places where humans appear determined to deny and unlearn the best our species has found. Burning each page in each book in every school and university. Smashing and re-smashing each stone. Perhaps because it might  contain fragments of banned phrases such as "Do Not Murder".

Cue the peacemakers? 3...2...1

I've said my bit on the other Gaza thread.

I am just waiting for the apologists to make their excuses and then I can counter their points, but perhaps they realise their position is untenable and are therefore lying low.

And for the record, the YouTube footage of Lammy scurrying off stage like a frightened rat when he is confronted by a protester is most unedifying


And to think he fancies himself as Foreign Secretary swanning around the middle east

Bosch - Some suggestions:
Critics might have more success persuading politicians by avoiding abuse like calling them  "a scurrying off ... frightened rat". 
I doubt David Lammy has any illusions about "swanning around the Middle East". He can plainly see how restricted Blinken is until and unless Biden gives him the signal.
Some relatives of mine outside London told me about Labour members they met who say they're hoping that Starmer will change after he wins. Insread I suggest that if you know anyone  living in Starmer's Constituency you urge them to vote for Andrew Feinstein to unseat Starmer
● If you haven't already done so, do please take a look at U.S. Diplomat Hala Rharrit who has resigned because she knows that U.S. Gaza policy makes no sense. Spread the word and maybe more insiders will have the courage to speak up.
Spread the word as well about similar news items you come across. There appears to be movement in public opinion. It must be obvious to even most rigid Israeli propagandists that they have squandered the huge sympathy after 7th October.  Pretending that criticism of  current Israeli Genocide is based on antisemitism requires a high level of delusion.

If you have time please take a look at the books - or videos - of historian Ilan Pappé and Norman Finkelstein and journalists Amira Hass and Gideon Levy.

Please don't follow your plan and "wait for for the apologists to make their excuses and then you can counter their points".
Too many people on both sides will die and or be injured while this waiting goes on.

Both are supporters of Labour Friends of Israel so support bombing homes, mosques, schools and hospitals. Pictures of mothers burying their babies mean nothing to them. This is the depth to which our political class have sunk. 

If Philip, you and I assume there is no point in talking together.  Or with "them". Because 'their' minds are shut tight. Then nothing changes.
You're angry with David and Catherine?
Please tell them why. And in calm reasonable terms. Maybe tell 'm that being an "honourable member"  of a Parliament or a "cabinet minister" - or other puffed-up nonsense - is far less important than being a moral human being, Who, for example, says 'No' to murder as a modest first ethical step.
A little further along this moral route we might arrive at the need for national and international courts binding everyone. With rules about such  issues as thou shall not covet thy neighbours' beachfront property.

P.S.  I met someone who told me they were a member of Labour Friends of Israel. They said that what Hamas did on 7th October and  what the Israeli Government and army were doing in response were both evil.

Philip you have assumed that membership of Labour Friends of Israel by our local Members of Parliament, Catherine West and David Lammy means they: "support bombing homes, mosques, schools and hospitals. Pictures of mothers burying their babies mean nothing to them." 
Those assumptions in themselves erect a soundproof wall between you and them. The possibility of dialogue is cut off. No exchanging views or - crucially - changing minds.

Maybe you know the work of Ilan Pappé and Ghada Karmi? (Everyone interested in Israel/Palestine should read their books.) In this video they sit together recalling the moments years before when she saw he was liberating himself from Zionism.



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