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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

In another post a few days back Glyn from SNT mentioned that there had been a fatal traffic accident on GL - pedestrian and articulated lorry he said.

Does anyone know what happened, or whereabouts?

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I had just noted with some alarm that my ironic use of the phrase 'bloody lemmings' earlier in this thread had led two intelligent co-contributors to fall thrice headlong (I almost said 'lemmingly') over the same stereotypical precipice, when my bt email crashed under pressure from thousands of angry messages all emanating from the Guild of Norwegian & Lapp Lemmings. They all made the point that, though they may breed like rabbits on speed and fall over the occasional cliff in their hurry to disperse in search of less overpopulated territory, they do not have the behaviour patterns of Harringay pedestrians. They rejected my mindless espousal of the myth of Precipitous Lemming Suicide and recommended a close reading of the Lemming article on Wikipedia. I have, of course, apologised profoundly, promising to share my new insight with HOL and to watch my language in future.

Coincidentally, I have now heard from the secretary to the Southern Hemisphere of Ostriches, informing me that none of their members ever hide their heads in the sand. She requested that we desist from all libellous ostrich-like similes, imputing the myth to "the natural ignorance of some Greco-Roman natural historian".

Seems to me that all talk of zebra or pelican crossings and cats' eyes is best avoided. Indeed, now that Crocodileeyes has joined HOL, take care what tears you shed.
One accident in how many years ?

Sad, but it is exactly what it says it is, an accident, get over it and move on.

There is nothing the Council can do to alleviate the situation. London is a growing metropolis where the numbers of commuters and residents are increasing greatly. Pedestrians, cyclists, motor vehicles e.t.c.

And no, I dont want 20mph zones, one ways, two ways, pedestrianisations, barriers, or any other money wasting traffic calming or management measures. I have put in thousands over the past 20 odd years :) They dont work, transfer our problem somewhere else, and waste a lot of money that can be used elsewhere.

If you dont like the traffic, the cyclists, the anything, then well, dont live in London.
Ouch !
Thank you for that considered contribution, Milo.
Are all accidents inevitable, or should we try to prevent them?
Is any situation so dire that we should not try to improve it?
I hope tonights traffic meeting will be is as entertaining as this discussion.
Well, Milo, let's rip up the footways and front gardens, turn Wightman Road into a Dual Carriageway and give 70mph a try.
Where would he park his Ferrari if you did that?
Milo has a point. Our roads are full of "don't do this" signs and restrictions and people still get killed. Maybe people think they are safe because a green light says so.

Dutch experiments (taking away all signage, all restrictions and all pedestrian crossings) have resulted in a reduction in pedestrian and driver fatalities because there is no option but to be aware of what is happening around you.

Problem is that an experiment on a small town can't really be replicated in a big city - but it does make me think that perhaps we shouldn't be saying when you can or can't do things, but instead make public spaces feel more like pedestrians have complete priority
I think this is what I was trying to say in my last post. It might seem utopian but the point is that if everyone had a truly equal right to safety on the roads, it would make us all stay awake and alert when using them. The problem is that drivers feel they have priority no matter what, and 30 m.p.h is far too fast for a congested road like Green Lanes, if indeed they stick to it. I'm not at all anti-driver: I'm anti dangerous (speeding and illegal u-turns), selfish (reversing down a one way street because you're "late for work"), unconscious (mobile phones, loud music and sandwiches), and just bullying driving, which there is so much of around here. I agree that endless signs and speed bumps don't seem to stop this behaviour, so perhaps a radical re-think of our road space would be an answer. I doubt anyone would have the political courage to introduce it, though, and the transition period could be dangerous.
Sweden decided to change which side of the road to drive on. On the day at midday (1950s ?) all drivers crossed over without any accidents. Imagine that !
James, yes, but they were all terrified for about a month. I have this from my nan who had to drive over from Norway to Sweden on that day, imagine that!
I remember Sierra Leone decided to change from the old British left to right in 1971. Months of wonderful preparations, school art-for-safety competitions etc. At midnight most drivers continued to drive on the central ridge of the road. Fatal accidents and vehicle write-offs continued at their previous level - no increase, no decrease. Result: success. Yes we can!



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