Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Hi Folks

just wanted to say that I included our Harringay Online into a lecture/seminar session the other day. I teach comp cultural and media studies at Warwick Univ and the MA I have devised has a focus on community. We started off with traditional type of communities and this term have moved into cyberspace and online communities. I thought HO was a great example of how a real community interweaves with a cyber community with the former benefitting as a result. we went online during the seminar as I asked studes to rbing their laptops and the students were very impressed by the site, all its information, layout and the way it gets people involved. I shall definitely use it again as an illustrative example
all the best and keep up the good work! Ruth C

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Great. Thanks for letting us know. Now, next time you need to get your lecture (or parts of it) videoed so we can see more on what you're saying.

(P.S. I'm a Warwick Alum.)
That's a good idea. I should run it in the teaching grid so we can be streamed or soemthing like that. But the course might not run again!! My Centre is being closed down, quite unfairly I must say. Poor management really rather than poor teaching and results. What did you graduate in?
best wishes for a pleasant Saturday



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