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Green Party Leader Supports Integrated Solution for Harringay Traffic Issues

Natalie Bennett, Leader of the Green Party, and Jarelle Francis, Green Party Candidate will be available to talk to local people about the traffic issues, which are blighting people’s lives in the area. Meet them on Friday, 22 July at 4 pm at Harringay Station, Wightman Road Entrance.

Jarelle Francis and other Green Party campaigners have been talking to residents on the doorstep over last few weeks about this. What is clear is this: there is a need for a solution that goes much wider than just closing one road to traffic.

‘Residents who I've spoken to on Wightman Road and the ladder roads generally prefer Wightman to remain closed permanently, unless a solution can be found to reduce the number of vehicles passing through. Closing Wightman Road to motor traffic makes it a safe and healthy road for pedestrians and cyclists,’ says Jarelle Francis.

He continues: ‘There are a lot of positive effects of closing the road: cyclists love the safe routes through Haringey, parents feel safe that their children can walk on Wightman and the ladder without danger, and noise pollution and air pollution have greatly reduced.’

‘But I have also listened to residents on different sides of the ward,' he adds. ‘Endymion Road and Green Lane residents have seen an increase in traffic on their roads, which already had severe congestion problems. We should find a fair compromise that benefits all residents and reduces overall through traffic, enabling people to choose alternative forms of transport.’

‘I’m delighted to be able support Jarelle Francis in his campaign to bring a fresh voice to Haringey Council,’ says Natalie Bennett, Leader of the Green Party of England and Wales.

Green Party councillors – even when there has been just one on a council - have been able to bring about real change. Green councillors persuaded Kirklees Council to set up a budget of £3 million to improve road safety and established a preferential parking scheme for low emission vehicles.

‘Similar schemes – especially if they are part of a wider review of how traffic is managed in Harringay – could make a real difference to local residents here,’ Natalie Bennett added.

Tags for Forum Posts: Green Lanes, Green Party, Harringay by-election, Jarelle FRANCIS, Traffic, Wightman Road

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This is remarkably similar to Labour's position. Perhaps all parties can continue a joint campaign whatever the by-election result?!
That would clarify the distinction then
The Power of Good Ideas will prevail

Is it the same position? Why haven't Labour already done something about it, then? Hope they will... meanwhile voting Green will ensure there is a voice working for this on the council, not ruled by the almighty whip.

Green Lanes traders will never allow Wightman Road to be closed permanently or reduction of traffic coming into the area - they effectively run the council!



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