Residents asked me to follow up the issue with the speed hump/service cover and resulting loss of oil from vehicles which (having driven too fast over it) leave a trail of oil.
Here is the response. The replacement cover should fix the issue but of course the larger problem of cars speeding down our roads continues. Its an issue I will continue to address with the council.
Your enquiry about the Statutory Undertakers service cover in Hewitt Road outside no’40 LBH/2953114
Thank you for your enquiry.
A site inspection has confirmed that the speed hump has been constructed to the correct specification and conforms to the Highways (Road Hump) Regulations 1996, which is laid down by the Department for Transport. The speed at which you approach the hump should take account of the roads layout. The Highway Code states that 'the speed limit is the absolute maximum and does not mean it is safe to drive at that speed irrespective of conditions. Driving at speeds that are inappropriate for the road and traffic conditions can be dangerous'.
However, it would appear that the cause of the problem is likely to be the protruding sewer inspection chamber near the speed hump outside no’40.
We will therefore ascertain who is responsible for this cover and request that they arrange replacement for a more modern style cover that will be flush with the carriageway when installed.
Engineering Projects Team
Project Engineer
Sustainable Transport Group
London Borough of Haringey
Tags (All lower case. Use " " for multiple word tags):
So who is Cllr Emine contrasting with "the residents"?
Can it possibly be that Cllr Emine is taking a silly little potshot at one of her predecessors and OP of this discussion?
Will we Hollers, residents and voters be treated to regular little homilies on the arts of focused communication over the next four years?
For all Councillors still fighting the last war: Local Ward Elections finished 32 days ago. Next little bout probably won't take place until Thursday 3rd May 2018, 7.00am-10.00pm. Now you have four years to WALK THE WALK modestly. Spare us the homilies, please. (I just couldn't resist this one!)
Emine - we're still waiting for the 7.5T signage at the North end of Wightman Rd. Are you not the right person to ask ?
Thanks Karen; it does look like The Sustainable Transport Group have finally effected a complete solution to the problem. The resurfacing (over 15 to 20m ?) seems to have reduced the camber and it looks like the hump may not return as the new surface has been painted with white road markings. Residents who've had this problem for at least two years must be relieved.
... "effected a complete solution".
Clive, by accepting the challenge to serve as a Haringey councillor you've set out on a long difficult journey. By comparison Odysseus had it dead easy. When the Sirens of Obfuscandia start singing to you in their deliciously meaningless bureaubabble don't let them lure you into the quicksand of inertia and gobbledegook.
Set an example. Insist that Haringey staff learn to speak and write clear plain English. Give them the web address to Pikestaff. Suggest they download its free plain language guides.
Don't be afraid to ask senior officers to translate what they've said into ordinary clear English. Remind them of the Plain English Campaign. If all else fails, mention its Golden Bull awards.
Alan you know I'm 100% with you on the need for clear, plain, unambiguous, non-jargon English. There are some phrases that immediately raise my hackles.
(In a similar way that I've always agreed with you about the need for native PDFs).
The phrase you've highlighted is my sole responsibility; having inspected the site, I do believe that what the Sustainables did, has fixed the problem.
Now who was the guy, seven or eight decades ago, who felt he had "finally effected a final solution to the"? (Indeed he didn't spend 11 Holpages reaching that solution.)
Luckily we appreciate not just your sense of humour, OAE, but your extensive historical, classical and literary references. Now where did I put my Browning?
I always wondered why it was a Browning and not a Luger. But now I find that " Browning " was a generic term for a pistol, rather as a vacuum cleaner is always a Hoover.
Thank you for initiating that piece of research Alan: I can sleep soundly at last
Unqualified superlatives are the worst of all!
Alan, I recently noticed one of those and thought you might enjoy a list that includes this well-turned phrase (#45).
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