In recent post (originally about the GRA minutes.........but you know how these discussions drift) a discussion was started about Green Lanes regeneration, phase 2.
I noticed the following on a Tottenham Civic Society posting today:
Over the past three years Haringey Council regeneration and conservation departments have accessed funding from English Heritage, the Heritage Lottery and the EU to carry out a major programme of restoration in the Bruce Grove section of Tottenham High Road. The magnificent 1907 Windsor Parade (538-554 High Road) is an example of a restored building.
Does anyone know Windsor Parade? Is it something of peculiar interest that can outshine our dear Grand Parade? Windsor Parade seems much smaller, but it sounds like this may be worth investigating this as a possiblle route for part of any future plans.
Liz replied:
I notice that there are points raised that are a concern for many of us in particular the idea of Green Lanes as a regeneration area and a dream to make Grand Parade great again.
Hugh added:
Yes, you're right Liz. Some echoes of the big picture thinking I've been chasing after. Very positive. I'm delighted to hear a residents' association sharing my view that a focus on Green Lanes is absolutely critical and then even better support to connect the Ladder and Gardens more.
Green Lanes is our High Street. If it's not right, the whole area won't be and we won't make a real difference unless we work together on it. It's critical, critical, critical.
Here's an example of how residents can organise effectively to place-shape.
Matt replied:
The Brentford example is interesting Hugh. Their 'vision' statement is 250 pgs long. It is opened by a comment from Anna Ford. The number of community people & organisations involved is huge. Organisations like the New Economics Foundation are involved. This is really extensive.
As a benchmark I have been thinking that Grand Parade should be given the same care and attention as a high street such as we have in Wood Green. Straight away we see the need for signage clutter (eg. real estate) to be removed and controlled. And street cleanliness to be far better than it is now. And so on.
Can the current make up of the GLSG handle such a remit to work towards something as comprehensive as the Brentford example? It will need to broaden its membership for a start.
Hugh replied:
I think the Brentford example was "Citizen-led". It's a very sophisticated example and only works because of the the generous contribution of time and effort by residents. Creating a coalition with the local council and other key groups and working with a clear and effective methodology has also been critical.
My championing a
Local Charter is in part driven by a wish to create the beginings of a visionary focal point for we folks in Harringay. I've been invited to talk to the GLSG about it on 21st of May. So let's hope something will come of that.
Civic Trust - Time for a Harringay Civic Trust?
Getting it off my chest about Green Lanes signage clutter!
Estate agent signs on buildings
Are You Proud to Live in Harringay?
Overlooked Architechtural Detailing on Green Lanes
Ugly shop fronts
A More Diverse Green Lanes?
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