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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

You all gave me some great advice when we adopted a cat from the RSPCA. Mog (the children named her) has settled in very well and she's taken over as I was told she would.

My question today is not the most pleasant one, but Mog is being sick about once a week - is this normal for a cat?

I am feeding her what the RSPCA recommended. I was giving her a bit of tuna as a treat but noticed the last 2 times I did this she was sick later in the day. So I'm now sticking to just cat food and she is still sick.

She is absolutely fine afterwards and is usually hungry again, either straight away or an hour or so later. She carries on running round the house and in the garden so I don't think she's ill, but I thought I'd ask for your opinions.

Many thanks, Julie

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Slightly unpleasant but is it a mostly solid lump which on closer inspection could be hair? If so then it's hairballs not sick. You can get pet food with hairball control which might help.


Hi Julie


It may be that she is cleaning herself well and swallowing lots of hair and then the sick it back up.  I know this as it's happened to my cat, you can generally see bits of fur in the sick...........sorry for being graphic.  Try brushing her a bit more often and hopefully it will stop the sickness.



Cats tend to eat grass to clear hairballs (which occur due to them cleaning themselves) .. I don't think this is anything serious.. Just keep an eye on it..

Great thanks for the replies. I did think fur balls but I haven't noticed any - although to be honest I haven't been looking too closely! I'll try to next time.

I have got some little cat treats that say they're anti-hair ball. And I have seen her eating grass outside.

I haven't actually brushed her, I'm not sure if she'd let me. When we got her she looked like she had short hair, but it's grown quite a bit now so I'll get a brush and try that. She does have very shiny and healthy looking fur.

I think the brushing would help. They get very hot in this weather and need to shed some fur.  Try and do it gently, she'll appreciate it afterwards if not at the time.



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My Tom cat seems allergic to Go-Cat... I feed him (and my two girls) Whiskers now and all is fine. :-D (says Sazzie Dee)

Hi Julie


If Mog is eating grass then it is almost certainly hairballs. A gentle combing once or twice a week should help and will also get her used to being touched all over (which can be a great boon when you do need to have her examined by the vet).

Also, what kind of tuna are you feeding her? In the past I have found that the most easily digested is the stuff canned in water - the sort in oil or brine can be a bit overwhelming for kitty tummies (though that said my old moggie would chew your arm off to get to a can of sardines in tomato sauce!).


Mog - great name BTW!

Thanks, the children thought she looked like a Halloween cat and love the Meg and Mog books.

I was giving her tinned tuna in spring water. I hadn't thought of changing her food, she's had Felix and waitrose own brand. She didn't eat the waitrose one, but seems to like the Felix.

I'll definitely get a comb.

Here's a picture of her:

I have a rubber brush that Eliza used to love. It has soft rubber spikes, and pulls out amazing amounts of dead hair. It does it with a massage effect that was appreciated - whenever Eliza saw the brush she would assume the position and I would have to spend at least five minutes on another session. Mine came from the vet.


Furballs is a misnomer - fur sausages is more accurate. Sorry OAE.


On food, it's a good idea to get them used to variety, otherwise they can trap you into only buying posh stuff.   

Hi Julie,

as other have said, try brushing, and possibly a hairball control food. Hill's do one, available on www.zooplus.co.uk

Go easy on the tuna, too much can lead to mercury poisoning. There's an amazing amount of human food you should avoid. http://www.cat-world.com.au/human-foods-which-are-poisonous-to-cats

Sounds like she's a little intolerant to her food. Try changing it, and see what happens. Or maybe she eats too quickly..? That's a problem with one of mine. She's nervous, and wolfs her food down, it comes up about an hour later.

There's a post here that might help you: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110113170537AAQTeA0

Worth a note; My vet told me that nearly all the cats he's had in with a blocked bladder (ouch!) has been fed IAMS, so I'm avoiding that now. But that's me, just thought I'd mention it.

Right, I'l shut up now..


Good luck, I'm sure it'll be fine.



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