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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Changes are afoot at the Laurels Health Centre on St Ann's Road (the other side of Chestnuts Park).

One of the proposals is to have a 24 hour pharmacy. I'm told the downside of that might be to damage the viability of our pharmacists on Green Lanes. (There's currently a planning application on this, if you want to object)

And I don't want to get all Daily Mail on you, but I've also been told that a 24hr pharmacy tends to be a magnet for drug users to get their 'scrips'. Don't ask me if that's true; I've no idea. Neither am I clear if it would be a problem even if it were to be true. Any experience anyone?

There are also concerns around:

· Re-tendering of GP contract
· Future of urgent care service/opening hours
· Range of services provided

These will all be considered at a special meeting of the Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Monday 29 November at 3:00 p.m. till 6:00 p.m. in the Common Room, Block 6, St. Ann’s Hospital, St. Ann’s Road N15.

The Committee would be interested in listening to the views of local residents and those who wish would be welcome to come to the meeting. It will take place

For any queries, please contact Rob Mack:

Rob Mack
Principal Scrutiny Support Officer
Tel: 020 8489 2921
Improvement, Performance and Scrutiny,
Haringey Council
7th. Floor River Park House,
225, High Road, Wood Green

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The planning documents do talk about building a secure access hatch and secure access corridor.....I'm not sure I can think of any other pharmacies I have been to in the area that have or require a secure hatch for dispensing drugs.
In Italy I remember going to a night pharmacy where you had to speak through a hatch from outside the building, right next to a cafe terrace full of people. I had to yell at the top of my voice that my husband hadn't been able to go to the toilet for 3 days...
On balance, I think I would be happier if drug users could get their stuff legally, rather than buying on the street at inflated prices for which they would have to steal or mug to raise the cash. I suppose the downside is that the registered drug addict could be mugged for the drugs as they come out of the pharmacy.
I would have been very grateful for a 24hour chemist when I desperately needed remedies for female related conditions that would have made it possible for me to sleep!
We already have a pharmacy in Green Lanes nr the rail station that's open 8 am til midnight 7 days a week!
It's not 24hrs..
I think it would be good to know that there will be a 24 hour pharmacy not too far away in case of emergencies and those with young families etc. Surely its better for everyone if drug users can get their drugs when they need them.
Wow, a 24 hour pharmacy - brilliant. 24 hour access to life-saving drugs for those around here who need them. I'd love to be able to get medication for my family any time it's needed.

As for the very negative slant of the original post, I'm surprised by you Hugh. There's plenty of 24 hour drug dealers round here, I don't think a pharmacy treating addicts is going to make things worse.
Not negative Malcolm, but reflecting local concerns relayed to me by an elected representative in an explicitly impartial way.



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