From this week until May next year the apple trees of Harringay will begin to groan with fruit. A member
wistfully bemoaned the lack of the big fat gooseberry in his life (a fate which I share), but how well off are we for apples?
I know of a few neighbours nearby to me who are lucky enough to have a tree (or even two!). What varieties do we grow here?
Is there anyone who has an apple or fruit tree and never uses the fruit? Shame to waste those fruit so good to munch, peel, and bake. What about a community forage/harvest so neighbours can share in Harringay's abundance? We've had
Tottenham honey. What about Harringay chutney, crumble, pie, jelly or jam, apple juice or cider?
Those of you with trees, how about sharing a photo of your abundance with we fruitless neighbours? (And those of you without - time for some guerilla fruitography!)
If the idea of Harringay apples juss don't do it for ya, then you might think about taking a schlep out east and join in one of the apple days through the
East of England Apple Project.