Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Following approval by the Mayor of London and the London Councils Transport and Environment Committee, penalties will increase by £30 in all London boroughs. This applies to violations such as parking breaches, waiting restrictions, driving in bus lanes, or stopping in yellow box junctions.

Haringey is among the boroughs affected by these changes. The revised penalty charges, which come into force on 14 April in Haringey, are as follows:

  • Higher-level parking penalties: £160 (up from £130)
  • Lower-level parking penalties: £110 (up from £80)
  • Bus lane violations: £160 (up from £130)
  • Moving traffic contraventions: £160 (up from £130)

The 50% discount for early payment remains in place, as does the 50% surcharge for late payments.

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Worth reminding people of the Free Traffic Legal Advice site. This was previously known as Pepipoo and is home to many volunteers who offer advice and guidance in challenging PCNs and other traffic related fines.

I have had 6 of 8 PCNs over turned with the help of this community. It's quite astounding how inept and corrupted the enforcement processes are in our local councils.

Disregard if your spare time is more valuable than £160/30min. Mine isn't.



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