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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Here's an update on the Haringey Tree Protectors court case.

Thank you for all the pledges so far ! 

Having the support of so many others who share our concern for the urgency of protecting and prioritising our mature trees is uplifting and energising - thank you for your support which makes is possible to take the action forward. 

At the moment the hearing on 15th March is going ahead. LB of Haringey have not confirmed how they intend to proceed following the service or a large amount of evidence by the non-party insurers. The concern is that the council is taking steps to be in a position to fell the tree if the hearing next Wednesday concludes in their favour. We need to make sure that we have the funds in place to enable our great legal team  (Richard Buxton Solicitors and Paul Powesland  @ Garden Court Chambers - both offering their services as reduced fees) to take the fight as far as possible. 

What you can do to help:

  • Email 3 friends the campaign page link, telling them why you think is important and asking them to pledge and / or to spread the word
  • Post the link to Facebook / your other social media, asking friends and followers to pledge and / or spread the word
  • Tweet in support.
  • Talk about the campaign and the issue, and why its important to you in your social and work cricles;;-)

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Outrageously aggressive action by the council pre-empting the outcome of the pending court case at 5am this morning surrounding the tree with fences and 20 security guards -

A statement from HTP:

At 5am today, Sunday 12.03.23, LB of Haringey took possession of the tree, securing the surrounding area with barriers and security officers. The letter from the council posted on the barriers wrongly states this action was a response to climbing ropes being installed. This is not correct, there has been no one in the tree since the last court hearing as the judge made clear, and LB of Haringey accepted, that no steps should be taken to prepare for the felling of the tree until after the next court hearing, now listed 15.03.23. The council's peremptory and aggressive actions this morning aimed at frustrating legitimate legal process, makes it even more important to ensure that we can fund the required legal response.   

A Vigil will take place at the tree today, Sunday 6pm  - do come and show your support. 

What you can do to help:

  • Email 3 friends the campaign page link, telling them why you think it's important and asking them to pledge and / or to spread the word
  • Post the link to Facebook / your other social media, asking friends and followers to pledge and / or spread the word
  • Tweet in support.
  • Talk about the campaign and the issue, and why it's important to you in your social and work circles  ;-)

At the moment, the hearing on 15th March is going ahead. LB of Haringey have not confirmed how they intend to proceed following the service of a large amount of evidence by the non-party insurers. The concern is that the council is taking steps to be in a position to fell the Oakfield Plane if the hearing next Wednesday concludes in their favour. We need to ensure that we have the funds in place to enable our great legal team  (Richard Buxton Solicitors and Paul Powesland  @ Garden Court Chambers - both offering their services as reduced fees 🙏) to take the fight as far as possible. Please spread the word and encourage pledging!

Please contribute here: https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/haringey-tree-protectors/

The councillors I expect are involved I would like to think are not the people responsible for the lying about climbing ropes being installed to have an excuse for the latest action.

I'd like to add:

This is a 120-year-old tree. It is ours, in our public realm. In the law the tree presently has little value and previous case law means its relatively easy for a large insurance company to get trees cut down if it saves the insurance company a little money.

This court case is not just about this one tree, it is about changing law so that cutting down our valuable mature trees is harder to do.

Gary Lineker saw injustice and spoke up. You all know there is a climate crisis and that our trees are valuable. Here's a chance to contribute a little money and maybe make a difference -


Just driven past and the tree is surrounded by plastic hoarding and at least four security guards, presumably paid for by Haringey (us!) - seems like overkill. 

There are 18 security people there this evening "protecting" the tree:

You'll want that tree 'guarded' by residents around the clock especially in the period immediately after the case. They'll have it down the first chance they get. Probably early on a Sunday morning or late one evening when backs are turned.

Mike Hakata. Responsible for trees and canopy cover or so the council website says.

The gift that keeps on giving.

Another nearby tree for the chop, just up behind Alexandra Palace:

...planning application to fell this lovely mature tree in the garden of 27 Dukes Avenue. The application was from an insurance company claiming the tree is the cause of subsidence at a house two gardens away at 2 Elms Avenue. Any evidence that the tree is the cause of the problem is unlikey and minimal, and even though there is a tree protection order (TPO) that should protect it, the council is being bullied into having it felled.


Help stop the madness by contributing here: https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/haringey-tree-protectors/

It may be worth getting an independent surveyor to carry out an assessment. Insurance companies are quick to blame trees, when a lot of the time the cause is due to London's clay soil. I had huge issues with an ongoing subsidence claim, in relation to poor repair work. I instructed an independent surveyor he drew up lengthy report. I was able to take the works out of the insurers hands, they paid the surveyor and for all the works required to put right. In addition I claimed losses from them. The surveyors report, was worth it's weight in gold 

The tree is about to feature on BBC1 news !



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