Corner of Hornsey Park Road and Clarendon Road, N8, (literally across the road from Harringay):
We are organising a working party on the next Saturday, 27th March from 10am to 12pm, to prepare the ground for the new topsoil and planting.
It will make a huge difference to this end of the road and will create a gateway to both our area but also the Heartlands and the way though to the new school.
The ground needs digging over - no small task, after years of compaction and neglect. The landscaper can't use a rotavator because of cables - so it must be done by hand.
We need to do it in one go, so that the landscaping can follow before the end of the planting season in April.
This time, a local business will be helping us with refreshments, changing, rest and toilet facilities.
You (and a fork) would be very welcome. We are hoping for lots of small contributions rather than heroic, Charlie Dimmock style efforts.