Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Does our Weekly Update Sap your will to Live? TELL US WHAT YOU THINK!

As you'll have seen last week, we're looking at upgrading our weekly update.

We're thinking that it's too long - you open it and lose the will to live. So we're thinking of finding a way of slimming things down. How would that be? Let us know your views on that and anything else you'd like to see in a revamped weekly update.

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Well as no one has yet given their feedback on this, I'll give a little update
We are experimenting with various ways to deliver the content to you. We felt the listings alone were a little sterile so tried moving towards a narrative approach.

This week, we went for full narrative but given the huge amount of content there was this week, it wasn't a great success (too long and rambling) so we are going to go for a mixture i.e. short narrative and some listing next time.

We have also discussed
a.the idea of a very short update i.e. top 10 items and dropping all the other stuff
b. splitting the content so that you get the header in your mailbox and a longer version to click through to if you want to
Please give us your opinion. We are not professionals and would welcome any advice or expression of preferences. 13% of you say the update is worse...please tell us why!

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work" :)
Thomas A. Edison
Well, I always read through the update and if it was too hard-going I wouldn't, so I guess from my point of view it's fine! (and there are lots of other weekly mails I get that I never get round to opening)
And contrariwise, since I practically live on the site (cries of "we know !, we know ! "), I never bother to look at the update - sorry :-)
Oh John so you miss my carefully crafted narrative every week and Hugh's typos? Actually sometimes I miss stuff that is posted over the week and only find it when I'm harvesting the content for the newsletter so you never know, you might discover something you didn't see!

Gillian, thank you. (Still think I overdid it this week on the header, although its a good writing exercise, maybe I should get Old Age Emporium to do a few, he enjoys a writing challenge).



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