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Spurs Rage about Dirty Tottenham but Refuse to Contribute to Keeping it Clean

Confidential memos, seen by the Guardian, from senior figures in Haringey Council, highlight Spurs’ complaints that excessive levels of litter and fly-tipping in Tottenham will have a negative impact on the image of the club and its newly built stadium.

Tottenham is the 11th richest club in the world, and has invested £850m in building its new stadium on the site of the old White Hart Lane ground, but have reportedly refused to pay for a clean-up of the surrounding area.

One memo, as reported by the Guardianwritten following a meeting between club officials and the council, states: “Spurs were very dismissive as to the current state/appearance of Tottenham and implied that this was not an acceptable environment for their new stadium and supporters.”

Another notes: “Spurs as you may be aware quite an aggressive operator [sic]. When the question of all the extra cleaning needed was raised and who would fund it it was made very clear that it would not be paid for by Spurs.”

According to another memo, Spurs are also demanding the council pay £500,000 to resurface part of Tottenham High Road that leads to the ground “as its appearance is detrimental to the street scene around the stadium”.

This has unsurprisingly angered locals, who have accused the club of being insensitive towards its local community which has a multitude of austerity-driven problems.

It would cost an estimated £8,000 to clean the streets after every match or event held in the ground, which Spurs could easily afford given they make an annual turnover of £306m, with a £58m profit.

One senior Labour councillor, who did not wish to be named, told the Observer: “With bigger crowds and more events, extra cleaning is going to be required around the stadium. It’s only fair that Spurs pay for it because they will be generating increased income compared to what they made at their old White Hart Lane ground.”

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So before we get nitpicking I know that this is speculation but what’s wrong with that.

I have no doubt Spurs will pay what they are legally required to - they would be utter mugs not to and they certainly aren’t mugs. Do the council want them to go beyond the very minimum required - sure - why not? You don’t ask you don’t get. 

Is leaking to the Guardian negotiations in an attempt to pressure them into acquiescing extremely unprofessional, counter productive and worthy of being fired - in my opinion, probably, yes.

Are Spurs pushing back at additional pavements - most likely - I expect it’s because they feel they had a commitment from the council that they would lead the regeneration around the ground and they feel that that agreement has been backed away from on the councils behalf. And given when you are in negotiations the other side decides to try and undermine you through the press I can certainly see why they don’t just hand Harringay council a blank cheque. 

For what it’s worth I would be very happy to see Spurs lead on the development around the ground. The area is desperate for investment and that can be pump primed by the football club and frankly I trust the professionalism and leadership abilities more than our council. As evidenced by the recent events they seem incapable of even basic management. 

This I expect to be an unpopular opinion on here but hey it’s my opinion. 

I commented on Haringey's Facebook page in reply to their comments on keeping Haringey Clean. that I passed through on Thursday before match and that Lordship Lane N17 and Lansdowne Road was a total mess. I had seen Scavenger vehicles driving through. But was Not Stopping and Clearing overfilled litter bins and dumped rubbish. As a Retired Enforcement Officer for Haringey. I believe the main issue is that Current Council does not like to prosecute Offenders. So there is Nothing stopping people from Offending. The Environment Protection Act . Enforces Local Authorities to ensure All Traders have a Waste Contractor. Yet still notice Trade Waste being put out at All times on the Highway and around Waste Bins. Going back many year I am sure that Spurs did contribute to a After match Area Clean up. As Aware that the Council did supply crews to clear up after matches. Re General state, I often see Scavenger crews driving around and past overfilled bins and their own Sweeper Bags. But notice that there does not seem to be any supervision. Also suspect that they are Not regular crews these days. Yes the current report email line does work. But accept General state is getting worse. Not helped by limited ability for Trade to dispose of Waste. And the amount of upgrade working being carried out on properties within Our ever growing Borough.                        Also accepting that Spurs rebuild must be Generating a nice extra budget for the Council to keep the area Tidy at All Times 



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