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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!


Park Lane, London
Assemble from 12pm (midday).

We will assemble on Park Lane, north of the Hilton Hotel, on 20 October 2018 from 12pm (midday).

We will then march to Parliament Square where we will hear speeches in support of a People’s Vote from 1400pm.

We want to make the People’s Vote : March for the Future as accessible and inclusive as possible. To help us achieve this, we have created a full accessibility guide for the event. To load this map download it, please click here.


With the politicians in melt down over Brexit they need us to decide for them ... if they ever actually get any sort of Brexit declaration on the table, signed off by brexiters, remainers, DUP, SNP and all 27 European countries. A big ask!

Don't forget, the real detail in negotiations wouldn't start until after March 29th on trade, visas, travel, the Irish border etc. That will go on for years. More uncertainty and ... we'll have no say.

Meanwhile, business investment decisions are caught in the brexit farce headlights .... as well as many people's decisions re their own futures, particularly our European friends, colleagues and neighbours.

Peeps, this is the most important decision for the country we live in within our lifetimes and for our kidz futures. 

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Hi John D

I dont see why i shouldnt play the man rather than the ball. i'm sick and tired of being called a 'Remoaner'

I voted remain but the result was the result, i've never asked for another referendum and wont vote in one if its called. But what happened to free speech? if i think the whole thing is a load of B*****ks and Faragists deluded, am i not aloud to say so ? or are alternative opinions illegal now wev'e taken back control?

But... why all this back tracking from the 'Faragists' they voted for taking back control of our boarders to keep imigration down (good luck with that one) 70million turks massing on our boarders! if i recall, and Grayling has admitted that were just going to wave the lorries though customs with no checks (so much for control) the people voted for hard boarders, for lorries to be checked, for people to be refused entry at the frountier to keep them out....and if that means a 'Trump' across the island of ireland then so be it, is what i say. They voted to inject 350million pounds a week into the NHS (not even Farage believed that one), that the EU27 would give us everthing we wanted 'because they sell more to us than we sell to them' nothing would change, my european rights would be protected and i'd still be able to sell my services across the EU, but we wouldn't be paying in to the club anymore.

Fishermen would take back the seas (most of the contracts are with EU companies) we'd sail off around the world making HUGE trade deals in no time (even though it takes 7 years or more to finalise these deals) and we have the crafty Mr Fox in charge of that, god help us!. The benifits would be immeidiate, our economy would be able to diverge from the leviathon that is the EU. We'd be fast, agile, in and out like buccaneers before the locals know whats hit them and take advantage of the poor sods. Only.. Didnt the boy from Brasil say it might take 50 years or more to feel the benifit? maybe he could have said that before the vote? perhaps?

My side were no better - Disaster!!Disaster!!! the sky will fall on our heads!!

But i dont remember 'A DEAL' being on the balot paper no one said anything about a deal.

So the field is 'Faragist' you won!!

Get on with closing the boarders because thats what people voted for.

Oh!! and blue passports! I shall sit by my fire and marvel at the deep blue saphire in my hand and the ease at which i would be able to cross the frountiers of europe if only i could get to the front of the Q

Sorry for the rant. No malice intended. Fine upstanding people the Faragists and should be incharge of the labour party.....Oh they already are.

Just stop calling people 'Remoaners' or forever be a 'Faragist'.

Whichever side of the Brexit debate you may be on, this march represents a desperate and futile wail at the sky. The physical embodiment of a change.org online petition. 

What IS the Peoples' Vote? There is no clear answer.

What would we vote on? Who decides what is on the ballot? How would any decision effect change in the negotiations?

Because these questions are unanswerable, there will be a moderate turnout of the well-meaning middle class on Saturday (depending on the weather, of course). They'll be able to cling to the idea that "at least we tried".

The rest of us will be looking after children, working, watching the football, or otherwise engaged.

 In the late 90s a welder mate of mine was working on a ship yard in Denmark. I was a bit down at the time and needed a change. So I packed my welding certs and headed to Denmark. I started work the following Monday.   Simple. Anyway long story short I ended up staying for 7 years having met a wonderful danish lady:-) Them days maybe gone soon.   VISA.  (Work and fall in love in your own country)  jeg elsker danmark.   

Hej Keats, I am Danish (tell your wife I left a Danish book in the Turnpike Lane book swap if she is interested. It was a test to see if anyone Danish was around, and if there is they don't read or commute). I am now also English. Because of Brexit I chose to obtain double citizenship costing me nearly £2000! When I applied for English citizenship I had to take an English test despite having qualified and worked in the UK for more than 30 years. I also had to produce a list of my tax and NI contributions. I have paid a LOTconfirming the stats that the average European contribute more tax here than the average Brit. I think it is sad that people want a Europe where you can't travel freely, fall in love, work etc. I did all of this and I want the same for my son. I hate Brexit for everything it stands for and I think it is a threat to peace in Europe. 

Morn Charlotte. Hvordan har du det? Har du det godt? Yeg I can husk som danske. Glempt meget though.   Unfortunately jeg and min kone er skilt nu men hun en mine godt venner. Har two born (the o with the line through it)  dejlig dejleg country is Denmark, but I hear its changing for the worse.   You left a "Danish bog" in turnpike lane station?    Ikke mere skibsvaerft I danmark nu. (Lindo mearsk)  I lived a few places in DK.  I liked odense po fyn. Also alborg. Not because of yan-fwen-as-gel (cant spell it) translates to the virgin st. No virgins on there! :-) :-) aurhus was kool too. 

Hold da op det er flot du kan skrive sådan! Hvis du vil øve dig kan du bare skrive privat. Jeg er fra Fredensborg nord for København og kom til London i 1986.

Yes the Denmark I miss has also changed for the worse. I think Leavers are hoping to revert to a world which doesn't exist anymore. I would rather be in and work on improving things than checking out and being left behind or being the puppet of large countries.

Turnpike Lane tube has a fantastic bookswap.

Lovely memory Keats :) Charlotte, those fees and requirements are outrageous and show just how inward looking and selfish this tory country has become. Very sad.

Hej Charlotte. Saw the book at TPL station. The blaek hat. Street artist. Looks like a good read. Dont think I have the brain cells spare to read a danish book at present.  Its been a while.  Cant even do books in English at the moment.  Concentration spam is not what it was.    Actually come to think of it I might get a cook book in danish.  Jeg elsker at lave mad og spise!  Smur godt :-) bad Danish grammar?   im sure you caught my drift.   Jeg kan taylor/snagger ok dansk.   Ive never been to fredensborg.  How far is it from christiania? Is christiania still there?   Prime land in kph that Is. My guess is developers have their grubby hands on it!!?

I’m afraid that I’m still not getting this.  

I voted remain reluctantly.  I think the EU is a deeply flawed organisation who’s primary purpose is to ensure businesses make as much money as possible.  However, the way the U.K. is intertwined with it and the lack of any clear plan for what a U.K. will do outside of U.K. lead me to tick the box to stay.

The People’s Vote premise is that holding a vote on such a complex issue, where the true consequences of leaving were next to impossible to get across to the electorate, and where there was no plan for the multitude of issues that have come up during the negotiations was the wrong thing to do.  I utterly agree with that premise.  

The solution they propose is to hold another vote on a complex issue.  In other words, the use of a referendum on U.K. exiting the EU was not the right answer so the correct answer is to hold another referendum.  

How on earth will using the same flawed process bring about a truer result?

That is true, but apathy and doing nothing isn't helpful. Given there is no deal there is still a chance to shape the future relationship with Europe

This is a political decision. Whatever it said on the ballot paper the same posturing and misinformation would happen, just like it did the first time.  The Electoral Reform Society can ensure the question is put fairly but they cannot monitor every newspaper article, TV appearance, Commons debate, Twitter feed.........

Have a general election and decide the whole thing once and for all. 

Apparently the tory government and its various depts have already been busy producing the posssible impacts Osbawn. I've seen some of them. Go google ... if you can really be bothered.



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