Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

The following press release was issue by Haringey Council today. It sounds like great news!


Haringey is officially best in the class when it comes to education – with 100 per cent of its schools now rated Good or Outstanding by Ofsted. 

Tiverton Primary school in Tottenham was the latest to be awarded a good rating, propelling Haringey to the top of an elite group of just five councils with the 100 per cent title.

That means all 86 schools in Haringey are now rated good or outstanding – a greater number of schools than in any other borough with 100 per cent.

Haringey’s schools have gone from strength to strength in recent years, with a range of improvements, including: 

  • Among the best progress nationally from Key Stage 2 to GCSE
  • In the top quartile in London for early years children achieving a ‘good level of development,’ and more than 90 per cent of early years settings rated Good or Outstanding
  • The best GCSE results in the country for looked after children in 2016.

A number of new programmes have also been set up to drive up standards, including the Haringey Education Partnership – a new schools led approach to improving and supporting the borough’s schools – and the Haringey STEM commission, which is designed to improve access to Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

Haringey Council Cabinet Member for Children and Families Cllr Elin Weston said: “We are hugely proud that all of our schools are now rated good or outstanding. Haringey is home to fantastic schools, with a wealth of talented teachers, staff and young people.

We are committed to ensuring all children in Haringey get the very best start in life. This high quality education right on their doorstep, with access to the best opportunities and facilities, helps shape their future and supports our children and young people to achieve their full potential.”

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Excellent news. The schools, teachers and Education Dept need huge praise. Please let’s celebrate this and that’s all. We all need a bit of joy and this counts in my book.  And I’d say Haringey Music deserves  a special mention.  

I am pleased (on the whole) with the primary and secondary schools my children go to in Haringey, the secondary in particular is brilliant. The vast majority of the teaching and school staff I've met are amazing and work so hard under increasing pressure from massive funding cuts, increased admin and a frequently changing curriculum. 

They definitely deserve congratulations and a great summer break!

However I can't say I'm a fan of how Ofsted judge schools at the moment. Giving far too much weighting to the Year 6 Sats which leads to a miserable year for the children with zero benefit to them as far as I can tell.

Why is this reported as a 'claim'?
Surely it is a fact.

It’s reported as a claim because it’s unverified. I tend not to treat a ‘fact’ as a fact until it’s verified. 

That's what I was getting at.  I'd prefer "Press release issued" or something. To me "Claim" somehow suggests not fact, so isn't neutral.    There are many claims made on these pages where the words "claimed", "sounds like" are not added.   I declare no interests in Haringey Education by the way!

Press releases from any council tend not to be neutral. If you read the whole press release, you’ll see that whilst it includes statistics that are probably facts, taken as a whole it is probably not a neutral evaluation of education in Haringey. I pointedly said that it was great news, but since the headlines of any post in HOL are repeated verbatim in any Google search, I chose to highlight the ‘top of the class’ phrase as a claim. 

Didn't the erstwhile leader of the Council once claim that Haringey was the cleanest borough in North London ?

How we laughed

100% of schools in Haringey are rated good or outstanding by Ofsted. That is a measurable and check-able fact.

This is the National measure of whether a school is good or not (obviously there could and should be better measures but that's what we've got)

Only 5 local authorities in the country have 100% good or outstanding. There's another fact.
This is an amazing achievement by the leaders and staff of Haringey Primary, Secondary, Special and Nursery schools in these times of extreme and pointless austerity.

Even with scrapped services, slashed funding and huge problems, Haringey had a part to play, so let's celebrate.

My son is at an outstanding primary school in Tottenham which at the moment has such little funding it's asking parents to fund raise for skipping ropes and footballs! It does however seem to be a great school which is trying to do it's best with what it has. Not so sure about the local Secondary schools but that's quite a few years off yet!



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