Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I saw these fabulous dresses in a shop window but the shop worker banged on the glass and told me not to take a picture of her window. No idea why she wouldn't want me showing my friends a dress that caught my eye! Obviously I'm sharing the pic as widely as I can because, WTF is her problem?

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Maybe she thought you wanted to copy it?

Good for you Sophie - Whatever happened to the 'no street photography' laws ? I remember not very long ago people being rugby tackled by security guards all over the country for simply snapping a building or a street scene.

Happened to me in M&S on Oxford St when a colleague was taking a photo of me in a suit jacket so I could see what the back looked like. Security guard told me to stop and demanded that I delete the photo in front of them. When I asked why they said because I might want to copy it. I said if I wanted to copy it I would buy the jacket, copy it and return it, or even look on their website where there are freely available photos of the jacket. They didn't know what to say to that so told me to get out of the shop before they called the police. Idiots.

Topshop do this too - incredible really, it's not a trade fair where copying is a legit concern!

Bit rich coming from Topshop who 'borrow' a lot of ideas

Yup - completely outrageous...

Wow, I know a couple of drag queens at The Black Cap who could run you up a copy in a twinkle.
I was told to stop people taking pics when I worked in a shop on Bond St, apparently it's common practice to send people to London to rip off ideas & sell them overseas. Always seemed a bit odd to me as it's so easy to buy the stuff and copy it but I think it was considered discourteous to be so blatant about it.

I take it that all these wow-ing fools you see climbing on restaurant chairs to photograph their meals are from the same "fabulous dresses" stable. I've always assumed they never had a proper meal at home, but now I see they're just out to rob the chef of his copyright so that they can do their oohing, aahing and wowing in their own kitchens.

But there is a difference isn't there between Top Shop et al and a sole trader on Green Lanes? Though ultimately it does seem a bit fruitless -  you could have been interested in buying it after all ...



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