Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Little Free Libraries which have been spreading across the London have now reached Finsbury Park (neighbourhood) and Clissold Park. Would the idea work in Harringay?

Working on a trust basis, little free libraries are homed in small structures, often designed by local artists. The book boxes have been popping up in the States since 2009, when Wisconsin man Todd Bol built one on his front lawn.

The 'libraries' work on the simple basis of 'Take a book, return a book, donate a book'. All they need to get started is a local willing to host the structure on the boundary of their property. In the case of the the two planned local libraries, both have launched appeals for £200 on Kickstarter, I assume to pay the local artists.

Look at this great collection of LFLs in Walthamstow.


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This is a wonderful idea. I'm going to start keeping my eyes open for one of those cupboard things and somewhere to put it...

Thought this might be up your street (so to speak).

That's an interesting idea. There is an unused on with no door by the planters on Pemberton I think...

You might want to think about having a bit of height like the images above, as those boxes are prone to a fair amount of dog wee.

Only dog wee? You lucky buggers.

I like the idea!  Do we need to speak to the council to obtain their permission?  Health & safety and all?

I have already offered books for anything that comes to N4 & I would even buy books for it to support this wonderful idea!
I would love to have one !! How do we go about trying to set some up in Harringay ??? Didn't even realise a 'Haringey Arts' existed - is this a council dept ??

Contact littlefreelibrary.org - link in my original post.

Haringey Arts are connected to the warehouse communities. They aren't anything to do with the Council, though they do get some funding from them.

Hello All,

My name is Nick Cheshire. I run Little Free Library Project UK. We're glad you like our Little Free Libraries. We're installing two in Finsbury Park this summer and of course installed the network of 12 in Walthamstow earlier this year as well as others around London.

If you would like to get involved we'd love to talk to you. If you would like to host a LFL, donate books or just find out more, take a look at our website www.littlefreelibraryproject.org.uk or email contact@littlefreelibraryproject.org.uk.

Happy reading!

I have some books sitting waiting for just such a library.  Can I drop them off for anyone. Would rather do that than take them to a charity shop.



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