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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

News from the LCSP

1. Planning

(a) We have successfully opposed two changes of use, which would have meant the loss of 2 more A1 (shop category) outlets in Green Lanes. (72 Grand Parade: LBH refused change to mini-cab office; 361 Green Lanes: LBH refused change to yet another café/restaurant). As agreed by LCSP members, we continue to support the retention of shops in Green Lanes, which are under constant threat for other uses.

(b) Along with many local residents, we have also objected to the ugly and oversize metal palisade fencing outside 646 Green Lanes, next to Mountview Court: decision pending.

(c) We have supported the proposed change of use at 61 Grand Parade (unauthorised social club to solicitors). Residents who live in Green Lanes have experienced years of intermittent noise and other problems from this club, despite many representations to the council, so this is a very welcome change. (We know that this premises was originally a shop, Lake’s Menswear, but as this was more than 10 years ago, there is unfortunately no real chance of it being reinstated to the original use).

(d) London Concrete have put in a very lengthy planning application (rather typically during the summer holiday period) for details of their new site in Cranford Way (HGY/2008/1574). Please respond to this if you are able to do so. Even though the Planning Inspectorate gave them approval to open, any limitations on their operation are well worth achieving!

2. Licensing

We have successfully opposed a 4am/7day a week opening at Plovdiv Café, on Wordsworth Parade, opposite Duckett’s Common.

Following our letter on behalf of local residents, the owners agreed to reduce the hours in their application to 2am daily, which is an excellent result for all concerned.(see article in Hornsey Journal, 7 Aug, p10)

3. Serious Assault

We have widely publicised the dreadful attack which took place at 12.30am (Sat/Sun night) on July 20 at Harringay railway station. The British Transport Police have now released CCTV footage of 3 youths. If you have any ideas or information about the attack please call BTP free on 0800 40 50 40 quoting incident 38 of 20/07/08, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Meanwhile, please take extra care if you are using this station late at night.

4. Environment

(a) We have been successful in our Making the Difference bid for tree planting on Ladder roads. As you know, this follows on from our successful bid last year, and represents the second phase of our 3 year aim to have 120 new trees planted on the Ladder. So far, then, there are (or soon will be) 80 more trees in the ward as a result of our bids.

Sadly we have been informed that a number of existing trees are due for removal for various reasons, and we circulated details so that anyone concerned about particular trees in their road had a chance to query the need with LBH Tree Section.

(b) We have liaised with Wildmoor Properties to secure the removal of the scruffy and unsightly banners which surrounded the Arena Shopping Park along the corner of Williamson Rd/G.Lanes. These were very quickly taken down (5 August) and the whole area looks smarter and is also safer (clear sightlines) as a result.

We have also reminded them of their agreement last year to provide an illustrated panel to commemorate the old Harringay Arena (which stood on the site and gave it its name), based on pictures provided to them with the assistance of Bruce Castle Museum and the Hornsey Historical Society. We hope that this will now appear soon!

(c) After waiting 10 days, we contacted William Hill to ask for the speedy replacement of the broken windows at 435 G.Lanes. The boarded-up windows gave a very negative impression of the area. They were replaced on 7 August - the delay was due to the size of the broken panes, which had to be specially ordered.

(d) We have secured the removal of a large number of mattresses and bed bases from front gardens at the S end of the Ladder (thanks to the LBH enforcement officers)

(e) We have reported graffiti in the Harringay Passage which will shortly be removed (thanks again to LBH)

5. Annual Report (attached)

This was presented to residents at our July meeting/AGM, but we attach it here for all of our members. It was agreed at that meeting that we might prioritise two or three issues/concerns over the forthcoming LCSP year(ie Sept 08 - Aug 09). It would therefore be helpful if you could read the Report and let us know where you think we should focus our efforts - have we overlooked your particular area of concern? Do let us know, either before, or at, our next regular LCSP meeting on 11 September. We hope to see you then!

Contact: lcsp@blueyonder.co.uk

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Thanks Liz. LCSP needs to be more regularly visible in this "Arena".
I'm working on them Eddie but you know...
I offered them their own page, chocolates, wine..................they won't.

I thought it was a useful communication. I guess we can just keep posting on their behalf.
I wonder if we could get them to provide us with main points update like this for every month rather than having to post the very long (sometimes) minutes. Perhaps a suggestion for the next meeting? Also the secretary could easily post this type of communication himself in the 'residents groups' category if they don't want to run their own page...btw can I have the chocs for posting this?
What no chocs?



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