Michael Anderson



United Kingdom

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  • AndrewAW1


    I'm no expert but you can ask.

    I tend to use http://batchgeo.com/ which is pretty straightforward if your data is in the correct format.

  • catherine tutton

    i can come in the morning  on 28.5 in the  morning for the cleaning

  • Chris Setz

    Thanks Michael - really helps.  I'm trying to help promote open source tree data. TPOs (as you doubtless know) are stuck between planning and greenspace services.  Couldn't find any TPO-related info in the tree labelling on Camden's map - how was it done when you were involved? Be nice to know a bit more about Camden - looks as if they wrote their GIS themselves in asp.net ?  I suppose there's no chance they'll move to a purely open source (i.e. not microsoft) solution is there?  Do you think they could be persuaded to make their tree data available via an API, ideally adding it to this list: http://opendatacommunities.org/doc/london-borough-council/camden ?