brian granville

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  • Pavlos

    I’ll try and find out and get back to you if I get more info

  • Retired

    Hi Brian, got your last message re the delete. Well I had written you a long reply to your email but had finished it then my iPad went flat on me, so I could not send it. After charging up the iPad I found that the email I had written to you had disappeared off the iPad. Have since tried to reply again but it just won’t work, it just sits there, no matter what I do. Have even turned my iPad off three time, sorry mate.  Eddie 

  • Retired

    Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!! It works on this site, so I’ll rewrite my lost email. First I’m sorry to here that you lost your Mother so early ( 1972 ) then your Dad in ( 1985 )  my parents died father in 1978 on his 73rd birthday and my Mother past in 1998. They both had a great life after coming with me to Australia in November 1964, both got work within one week of arriving and financially 10 times better off. My three sisters had got them a 2 bedroom unit and fully furnished it, so they had no worries there ha!ha! They also found that they could gamble to there hearts content ( sorry to say they were both gamblers ) any way to cut a long story short, both had big wins within two years of each other. So they managed to return to the UK twice, each one of them paying for the trip, if they had stayed in London after I left, they would probably have died earlier and never had come to Australia, my poor old Dad never had any ambition and had stayed in a terrible job in car battery manufacturers and alway smelt of Sulfur.

    Im glad to hear that you love America, I love our travel across America but could never live there, as I’d said before, too many Guns and too many Crazy People.. And your President is a Nut Case sorry mate. We loved Washington all the Museum's, got up close to one of your Space Craft. Even relive the War Years, which they had a mock up of London with all the sounds that were heard, Bombs and all the rest. New Orleans was a let down, it looked like it could have done with a face lift. Mississippi was one whole mess, both banks either side full of deprivation and litter. The only thing we did enjoy was Burbon Street and Madi Gras with all the Jazz. Hey