
Comment Wall:

  • Geraldine

    You fell through a roof in 1944!  I should think it hurt enough to make you remember all these years later.  I remember the pain from my broken leg aged 7.  Happened in the school playground and they had to fetch my sister from the big school to carry me all the way home.  Ended up in either Prince of Wales or St Ann's.  Can't remember which one.

  • Geraldine

    It was South Harringay Primary School.  My sister was at Hornsey County Grammar, just across the alleyway, but we lived in Seymour Road and it was a long walk for a 14-year old carrying a seven-year old.  The broken leg was my fault - like your fall through the roof.  I was messing about with a girl's skipping rope, trying to pull it away from her while she skipped.  I still see that 'girl' and she remembers it too! 

    I guess you and I are about the same age.  I am 76 now and live in Hong Kong.  Which road did you live in?   We got up to all kinds of mischief in the bomb-sites after the war, did you?