Donna Fitzgerald

Comment Wall:

  • Geraldine

    Hello Donna.  It's a fascinating project.  Though I would be pleased to contribute in any way I can, I have little to offer apart from fuzzy childhood memories of a big house behind closed gates.

    A year or two ago there was a TV documentary on T S Eliot with much about Vivienne.  I thought it was BBC4 but can't find it online.  It might have been this one on Sky.  Anyway, I am sure you will not have missed it.

    All the best for your programme.  Do keep HOL online updated and thanks for writing.

  • Nick McKie

    Hi Donna.  Can't contribute anything beyond remembering the lion and his tail - I now realise he was clearly visible from upper deck of the bus travelling west to Manor House - and you were just a pavement width away.  Lived off Green Lanes 1942 - 1946.  Pretty busy at the mo but will find time for fun/improbable Googling about the long straight tail and its being meant as a disrespectful gesture to someone in Town. regards, Nick