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  • Julia Snell

    Hi Hugh,

    Am I right in thinking that HOL is meeting up at the Salisbury tonight?

  • Julia Snell

    Thank you, Hugh!
  • Councillor Lorna Reith

    I've been aware of Harringay on line for ages but though it time I joined up. There's a lot of email traffic and discussion in my own area (Tottenham Hale) and it may be time we had our own version of HOL so I'm keen to see it at work.
    When I first moved to Haringey I lived on the Ladder - in Pemberton Rd and then Umfreville Rd and also worked in a Housing Action Area office in Umfreville Road for some years so did get to know the area well - as it was 30 years ago!
  • BBU

    Hey Hugh,

    While on my travels through the interwebs I found:

    Looks like you've started a new trend :D.
  • BBU

    Didn't notice the feed at the bottom not sure how many people would actually use it.
  • Trevor Giles

    Thanks for the welcome Hugh. The site is friendly and informative. I hope I'm able to make a useful contribution.
  • AnnieH

    "He's behind you!" Panto season has arrived in the LuptonHall household.

    Merry Christmas Mr Flouch. May your stockings be full of cheer! ;-)
  • Alison P

    Ta muchly. Talk later.
  • JeremyS

    Good job with your interview on the Daily Politics Show on BBC2 today. May I ask you some questions about what you're doing?
  • matthew cuthbert

    looking for anyone who can help with knowledge of funding for a local school that has access issues to the playground for its 4-7 year olds, and is affecting the curriculum the school is able to offer due to the latest ofsted report in relation to this access issue
  • smileygirl2010

    HI Hugh,
    I was going to add the following post about my networking group in crouch end (that we are trying to grow with other local businesses), but thought i better run it by you first...can i post the following?

    Is anyone interested in joining my business networking group? There are currently around 12 people in the group meeting weekly, but we are trying to expand it. We meet every wednesday at 6.45 and finish by 8.30. Its a great way to meet other local business people and it finishes just in time to start the day. We try to refer business to one another, and i have found it a great way to meet new contacts and have got some new referals out of it. If you are interested, could you please contact me on, and I will give you more information.

  • Brin

    Hi Hugh
    Thanks for the welcome

    Be well

  • Joseph Boyle

    Thank you for the welcome Hugh

  • AnnieH

    Thanks for the intro to Elizabeth/Liz, Hugh. Your note motivated me to re-engage with the group and now we have a decent number of members, I thought I'd revisit the idea of organising a "Endymion Rd Drinks" evening sometime soon. I'll let you know how we get on pulling it together! Thanks again, Annie
  • Susan Penny

    Thanks HUGH. Have heard a lot about your activities at Harringay Online. I'm in quite a lot of other groups so may not be able to play an active part but will be glad to hear what's going on.Sue Penny.
  • Danzigger

    Didn't make it unfortunately. I do want to get a look around there at some point.
  • maggie

    Hi Hugh, were you trying to connect?
  • maggie

    Hi Hugh, I think it would be a good idea to compare notes on lorry registration, ownership etc. My problem is that by the time Ive got to the window the number plate is too far to read, I might rig up a camera.
  • Tara-Lee Platt

    Hey Hugh, thanks for the welcome! This is a great community space, I salute you.
  • Karen Matthews

    Hello Hugh ... thanks for the welcome note. Just checking out some of the links/pages & really love the old photos too. I have been living in the area for 13 years on and off and think this is a great idea. Well done !! btw, the photo is taken en route to Maracas Bay, Trinidad.
  • Carmen Morris-Coulson

    Hello Hugh,

    Thanks for the warm welcome and the useful tip.

  • Peter Robinson

    Thanks Hugh for the welcome. I joined to see the old photographs. My grandfather Robert Robinson had sweetshops in Islington, Highbury, Stoke Newington, possibly Wood Green, and at 497 Green Lanes, Harringay. They were all on tram routes as, not having his own transport, he used the tram to deliver sweets to his shops. He died in 1926, before I was born. Apparently he would carry a bag of liver in his pocket to feed stray cats as he walked along the street, they would recogise his thin whistling.

    My father inherited 497 Green Lanes and, in about 1938, converted it into a cafe/restaurant, partitioning off a corner at the front to form a now smaller sweetshop/tobacconist. His ice cream was very popular locally, and won medals at the food fair at Alexandra Palace. Many of the lunchtime customers were from the Ever Ready works. The cafe would stay open late to serve customers from the arena & stadium. While in the army during the War my father, like so many men, resolved to do something different and in 1951 he took up market gardening. The cafe and shop were let and, in the 1970s, sold. There was a record shop at that time in what had been the sweetshop. Next doors at 495 was Newman's, grocers. They specialised in repackaging dried fruit, as a child I loved the smell.

    I can remember the lamp posts and tram poles, along Green Lanes, being wrapped in red, white & blue for the 1937 Coronation.

    I have no photo of 497 Green Lanes from my family's time, and would love to see one.

  • Peter Robinson

    That's OK Hugh.

  • Peter Robinson

    Hi Hugh,

    Thanks for the photographs. The one with the open-topped tram may well not be too early, what date would you give it? I do not not know when Robert Robinson opened the shop in 497 Green Lanes, but he was there in the 1914 Kelly's Directory.

    You mentioned that in the photograph of 409-414 the street looked hit by the depression. I believe it was, which was one of the reasons my father Jack Robinson felt the need to branch out into catering. As it was, he had not recovered his investment before the War and rationing arrived. The cafe/restaurant stayed open throughout the War and, I believe, served a local need. In the photograph number 411 is clearly a manufactuary of something or other. There were several of these. In all the period I can remember number 499 was the same, in about 1950 producing flowers made of felt.

    The problem with Green Lanes Harringay was that it lost out to Wood Green which, being developed later, had more modern shops. There was no demand for two major shopping centres so close together.

  • Friedrich Ernst

    Hi Hugh,
    thank you for this friendly wellcome.
    Yours Friedrich
  • andy thomas

    Thanks for the welcome!

    cheers, Andy
  • Pat Devereaux

    Hello Hugh surprised to see a few people I know on the site already. Cheers
  • Clare

    Hi thanks for dealing with spammer. Clare
  • Julia Richards-Davies

    Hi Hugh
    I keep getting dodgy messages at my email address saying someone has commented on my profile here and wants to send me a picture etc. Is there any way to disable this?
  • Julia Richards-Davies

    Hi Hugh
    Many thanks for your response. No worries, it was that Cynthia one so you are obviously aware and doing what you can.
    many thanks
  • abstractjuz

    Thanks Hugh - this looks like a great resource, I'm looking forward to making use of it.

    Regards - Justin
  • Mrs Frances Maynard

    Good Morning Hugh
    I have received 2 comments from ladies "interested" in my profile, I am surprised as I did not know
    I had one!! If I have how do I view this? Otherwise i can only think they have confused me with
    someone else!
    Please advise, Frankie Maynard
  • Mrs Frances Maynard

    Thanks Hugh
    Sorry i sent you a message before I read the one from Julia Richards.
  • Dick Harris

    Oddly enough, I just sent you a message. Dick
  • Jane Elliott

    Thanks for the welcome Hugh. While I don't live in Harringay, a lot of the matters commented on are relevant to the wilds of Haringey (your post on getting the Council to do something about rubbish in front yards for example!). I hope that the site will gradually creep eastwards ...
  • Martin

    Thanks Hugh- I really enjoyed clicking around some of your local history pages and photos. I will be checking in from time to time for sure!

  • melanie allen

    Hi Hugh - many thanks for e-mail, loved having a wander round , great site i am sure i will be spending lots of time here.
  • vaneska


    Links are all wonky in the latest update email - linking to the wrong things. The Victoria line close-down in particular seems to dominate!

  • Ruth

    hi Hugh
    Some time ago you wrote about the Langham Club as part of undiscovered places in Harringay but I cant find it any more on the site. I am now doing a write up of the club for my own website ( and I'm also helping them to get a website up and running. I wonder if you would mind sharing your photos with me for my website s they were very good (I would acknowledge they are yours!) I could pop down and take some otherwise, no probs.
    When I've done the write up, I could send the link for HoL if you think that is appropriate
    I interviewed the President the other day and got some useful information.
  • Ruth

    hi Hugh
    I did that last night but didnt get the blog. I must have done it wrong, prob too late in the day. I was after using some of your pics but wont do so without your permission. I'll pop down there and take some then I have them for my records.
  • Ruth

    Fab. I just couldnt get it myself... sometimes technology evades me.
  • scot devine

    Thanks Hugh
  • Ruth

    hi Hugh
    I want to send my brief outline. Clubs and Communities - possible HOL offline activity.doc
  • Mrs McFly

    Now that would be good ! Hope he might make it to highbury fields soon for some slightly different views.... Mrs McFly
    Ps ben_chap is Mr McFly!
  • Mark Base

    HI Hugh,

    Thanks for the info.
    I live in Malmö, Sweden.
  • Mark Base

    Well, long story short:
    I'm originally from Montreal, Canada. I moved to London in 1990, and eventually to Harringay in 1995. I lived there until 2002, after which I moved to Helsingborg, Sweden.

    While there, I had a great time; made some great, lasting friends, and I worked part-time at The Old Ale Emporium on Green Lanes for about 3.5 years as well.

    Harringay is really where my heart is. I visit at least a few times a year, and I will certainly return permanently one day!

    Thanks for asking ;o)
  • Arthur Astrop

    In one of our local papers last week,this photo appeared. According to the accompanying text, it is of a No 529 bus owned by the London General Omnibus Co which, in the 1920s, used to work the Harringay area. The 'route board' reads VICTORIA, Palmers Green, Wood Green, Green Lanes, Finsbury Park, Camden Rd, Hampstead Rd. For some reason, in 1974, this bus was driven through a town near to me (i.e.Leamington Spa), by 'a Mr Bert Lower of Wood Green'.
    I attach this pic in case it may be of interest to you, and HoL members. If so, and if you would prefer to have the original pic as published, please let me know and I will post it to you.
    Best wishes,

  • Natalie Griffiths

    Thanks for your welcome message Hugh. Not sure if you are the right person to help, but I was a bit concerned when I got the message below ... this is clearly SPAM and don't want to get unsolicited contact. Any ideas what measures are in place to stop this sort of contact, or do I need to change my provacy settings within my profile? I don't think I've set it to invite "new friendships"! I am interested in the community and how we can all make Harringey a better place to live / work. Many thanks

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Harringay online []
    Sent: 08 October 2010 00:28
    To: Natalie Griffiths
    Subject: jenifer added a comment to your profile on Harringay online

    Jenifer added a comment to your profile on Harringay online

    My Name is jenifer i want to your profile today at ( and i love it i think we can clcik from thier!please i will like you to email me back through my email thus;( am waiting to recive your lovely reply soonest!
    please contact me through my email address so i can give you my picture and tell you my datel have a nice day

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  • Bethany Burrow Atherton

    Hi Hugh

    While looking for a cat sitter, I've just discovered that Emily's Pet Care is no longer running (as of end September) - just thought I should mention it, since it is on the businesses page.

  • Ben Lee

    Hugh. Yep. Very much looking fwd to it. Kevin asked me to do a breakout session.. B