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  • AnnieH

    Yay! Your and Liz's christma-tars are inspired! Glad you both decided to go with the festive theme! :-)
  • Bisant

    Hugh. Sorry, WCC is Ward's Corner Coalition

  • Alison P

    Love the new photo! Easy to do?
  • Julie - WPRNW

    thanks for tips

    was reading about the two names here:
  • Julie - WPRNW
  • Alison P

    Nah, still in the middle ages here on Seymour. Looks great though!
  • rahman

    Hi Hugh - just a thought. Is there any way of web links that people post in the forums opening up in a new window rather than redirecting away from HOL altogether? Or is it another Ning oddity?
  • Clive Carter

    Probably on behalf of Hugh, to Rahman: the behaviour of links in web pages is likely to be a function of your web browser's settings, not "another Ning oddity"; for Gabriella, Harringay is an area and Council Ward within the north London Borough of Haringey (NB different spellings). Hugh will doubtless correct any mistake here!
  • Hugh

    With respect to the links, new as I am to all this, I think it's safe to say it's neither a Ning oddity nor Rahman's browser. It's just a matter of html. If you want to provide a link to, say:

    History of Harringay on Wikipedia

    you'd highlight that text, click the link icon at the top of the text box, paste in the url of the page you want to link to and you'd get:
    History of Harringay on Wikipedia<-/-a-> (without the little - lines, which I've added around the a at the beginning and the end to deactivate the html coding).

    Left like that, the link will take you to the new page on the current tab of your browser. To get the link to open in a new tab or browser, you need to add the following snippet of html - target="_blank", like so:

    <-a-href="" target="_blank">
    History of Harringay on Wikipedia<-/-a->
  • Jimbo

    I am old and stupid. What's an avatar? Now you know what you're dealing with!
  • Jimbo

    Don't be sorry. I'm just a bit slow!
  • Chris Smith

    Hugh, it would seem to fit in with the timing that Barbara Windsor was seeing Ronnie Knight. As she also had links with Reggie Kray it could also have been him. Who'd have thought I was living so close to London's underworld in dear ole Harringay!
  • Chris Smith

    I had to do a double take at the photo you left in comments on my "I've often wondered" blog entry and then I laughed out loud. Brilliant! It's the happiest ending I've ever had.
  • Danzigger

    Yes. All ship shape and Bristol fashion now.
  • Alison P

    Happy new year Hugh, hope you had a good break. I was wondering if you've seen the Time Out London photos book - John got it for Xmas and there were a couple of ones that were Harrnigay related - including a fantastic one of a man in what looks like a tin bath being shot into the air at Ally Pally. I think you can see what turned into the lovely Harringay heights in the distance. Have been trying to work out whether I could post it .. will see if I can find the photo online. Is also one of a man on stilts en route to the circus at Harringay Arena and a fantastic one of people skiing on the Heath on tons of snow imported from Norway (but your recent photo of people skiing here pipped that by about 30 years!). See you soon.
  • RuthE

    my brother bullied me into it he's mac obsessed like all mac users appear to be. Its nice to use, so far.. been able to watch the video clips on this website with sound atlast! But my old pc was very ancient so anything would be better than that.
  • Sarah Lou

    Hi Hugh, a delayed thanks for the welcome! Have changed my username. We are moving into Hewitt Road on Friday so maybe so you about :-)
  • Sarah Lou

    Thans Hugh, but i have already tried this and also tried editing it on the main page - it is not working!
  • Nicole

    Hi Hugh, yes!, I've/we've moved in! Mattison Rd. Thanks for all your work on this site I check in all the time. Either see you at the Salisbury in the near future, or otherwise see you Feb 12th for Lammy...
  • Arthur Astrop

    Thanks so much for posting part 2 of my blog. As you may know, Liz has recently confirmed the number of the house in Cavendish Rd in which I was born, by checking the name of the owner in 1923! Magic! She hopes to send me a pic of the outside some time. Double magic!!
    Vive HoL
    Arthur Astrop
  • Alan Fennell

    Hi Hugh:
    I was introduced to your site by Les e49. We grew up in Haringay in the 50's & 60's. Magical times. I'll see if I can find some old photo's of Haringay and post them. I now live in Los Angeles California. Les still lives in London. I hope your site will enable old friends to find each other again.
  • Alan Fennell

    I'm just North of Eagle Rock in La Crescenta at the end of the 2 Fwy. I am sure you know it if you were in Eagle Rock.
  • Arthur Astrop

    Yes, grandson Alex has read some of it, quite a few years ago, but I suspect it did not 'ring a bell' at that time. He seems to be much more interested now, especially since becoming a father himself!
  • Liz

    Did you spot this message for you from jack63kids?
    Thanks for the welcome. I used to live in Warwick Gardens and was involved with friends of Chestnuts. I still care about what happens in the Park and still subscribe to the Yahoo group. I read what you wrote about Tom and was really impressed that he was prepared to try to help folks when they are likely to be suspicious.
    Needs to be encouraged.
    Mrs Jackie LEEVERS
    Lately of Wimborne, Dorset; which is why I couldn't tick the 'to meet neighbours' box!! LOL
  • jack63kids

    Never thought for a moment you were being rude, I was reading from top to bottom, or bottom to top and thought your message came after mine anyway.
    I'll get the hang of it, only just spotted how to leave a comment. I've got Yahoo groups and FaceBook and Bebo down, now need to spend some time working around this one. I finally got around to customising my page, but not happy with it, will just as likely change it all again tomorrow. I'd love to know how to change me back to a woman, it doesn't seem to want to sort that, despite checking the settings. Let me know if you can see what I've done. Maybe it's got the same trouble as all those spammers who send me stuff no woman should see, as my email address is jack@ Oh well, could be worse.
    Really love the site, makes me nostalgic for Harringay, it's one of those places that grows on you; especially the people.
    We left around Easter 2001 I think; seems like forever, seems like yesterday. I was involved with the Centenary of Chestnuts Park before we left with Ceri and co.
    Liz is an angel, see she's keeping you in line!!! LOL I joined her 'knitting circle' in the hope of inspiration and wasn't disappointed. I shan't say too much, but chat there is more risque than you'd credit.
    Take care,
    Jack = ; - )
  • Stephan james


    just a small question - haveyou customised Ning much in order to achieve your site? We are looking at doing something simillar for an estate in Camden and I think Ning is perfect, however it is looking like our site is going to be very graphics heavy. We are also wondering whether it is worth paying Ning to take off the adverts and the linking - looks like you have
    many thanks for any advice

  • Matt Johnson

    Hi Hugh, yes I think it was Nick who showed the site in Birmingham. I used to run a similar sort of community site in Rowley Regis (west mids) - that was a nightmare from an admin side due to it rubbishy software used to create it. Ning looks good though.
  • David Barry

    oh by the way, we met, and I agreed to look into an issue regarding mail software. I found out it could be done, emailed you, but this was the weekend you had a computer you never got back. And I, through shear in efficiency failed to put it back on my to do list.

    Anyway if you are still interested in getting the mail software get back to me, and we can sort it out.

  • Susan

    Is Susan Samuel ok as a unique name?
    (it's not my real name)
  • GillianM

    Great site! Glad to be on board.

  • RussellV

    Thanks Hugh - this is a great set up and I'm sure I'll get stuck into local issues.

    Here's one: Is the > 7.5 ton lorry ban on the ladder streets ever enforced?

    all the best

  • Nigel Lupton (luptonn)

    Hi Hugh - when you get a moment can you try using the scripts on this thread. I'm hoping it will back up the site content:
  • sara leviten

    thanks hugh. great site
  • matt

    Morning Hugh

    Can you switch 'Groups' on front page back to 'Latest activity', as it was at the beginning of the weekend. Thanks.

    Enjoy this fine sunny day!
  • matt

    So members can view easily in one quick glance from the front page the 'latest activity' in groups. One click access is very useful.

    How about it Mr Flouch!
  • Denise

    Thanks for getting in touch.
  • PaulG

    Hi Hugh

    Thanks for the welcome. I take it Paulie is ok?


  • George MacDonald

    Thanks. Look forward to using the site. Is the bookcrossing still going?
  • George MacDonald

    Thanks. That is interesting. Had guessed it must have been bombed but had no idea of the scale.
  • Social Care Consultancy

    Thanks for the welcome! I have lived here since 1976, give or take a few years, so it's about time I joined :) Just browsing the site now, think it's a great idea, didn't know about it until today,
    Bye for now,
  • Pugface

  • Pugface

    Duckett Road as seen by Gilbert and George 1991.
  • maggie

    Hi Hugh, the problem is that I didn't know how to send a private message so have left my number on the comment wall for James, Antoinette and Osbawn, its probably not a good idea. Do I get them to agree to be my friend first? James and Osbawn now have my number and have collected some fruit so if its possible to edit out my numbers it may be the prudent thing. many thanks, Maggie
  • Gerry Platt

    Hi Hugh,
    I have a room to let in my house. Can I post it on HO? If so; where? I'm not exactly in the catchment area (N17 6LA) but Haringay is my local shopping street.
  • Anna Taylor

    Thank Hugh, that's really helpful :-)
  • Nick Wright

    Thanks Hugh, good to find a facility like this, so well organised. I hope to make an appropriate contribution in due course.
  • Barbara Kentish

    Hugh am I mssing something. Is there anything about Transition towns/boroughs/villages on this site? Is anyone v knowledgeable about them around here, since I need someone to do a workshop on them on Sat Oct 24th at a church in Tottenham. Thanks, Barbara Kentish
  • Muriel Zaccuri

    Hi Hugh,
    thank for your welcome and for all the informations
  • Mel C

    Hi Hugh

    Thanks for the email. I am new to Effingham Road and the area in general. My housemate told me about this site. I look forward to getting involved.

  • Jitsu

    Thank you for your message. What a great site! Have a nice weekend:-) J xxx